Dec 30, 2005 23:22
Well, everyone I didn't get the part in Evita, but oh well screw it I would not have had time for it anyway. Between my Refusing-to-get-help-with-her-alcoholism-even-though-she-is-dying aunt, my C average in school, and Grease there is no way I could manage it all. On a better note christmas was the bomb. Lots of stuff that I don't need but is nice to have anyway. Plus I just got a new guitar, although now I'm broke from buying it. But going back to the shitty side of my life at the moment; I have been extremely unhappy and I don't know why, well actually I do know why. This three and a half month thing with Meghan is driving me insane. The only conversations I have had with her have consisted of "Wow you so talented Meghan" or "Man you have a really nice soprano voice" or even "Your so Pretty Meghan". I did manage to tell her but I felt like I didn't get everything said. I want to tell her but she has been so good about it all that I really don't want to bring it up again and risk making her uncomfortable. So in the end I have two choices: One, tell her and hope that I don't freak her out and lose her friendship and Two, Never bring it up again and continue to be unhappy. There is to much going on right now, I can't sleep at night and I think my brain is going to explode. This lesbian thing really sucks. Merry Christmas everyone, I really hope your happier than me this time