May 04, 2005 10:35
I didn't finish my Political Science essay. I had to turn in what I HAD finished, which was 3 actually decent paragraphs, a shitty fourth paragraph, and an incredibly crappy conclusion. I just hope I can at least get half credit on it...:(
And I just got back from my poli sci midterm. Likewise, I hope I get at least 50%...
I'm feeling so shitty over that class right now. I really let it go badly, and I need to start going to it more often. Pass or No pass is nothing, but I need to make sure I can PASS THE DAMN CLASS...
I have a Japanese kanji quiz today. No big deal. Just practice an hour before and I'll ace it. Other than that, I have assignments due for both classes tomorrow and two articles I really need to get cracking on...=/
Just this week. Get this week out of the way so I can jump into next week's Japanese midterm. Hopefully that will go all right.
As much as I want to continue taking Japanese, the class itself takes up a good portion of my week. It's really crappy to schedule around it, and I have no time to take it next year...which sucks. Oh well...
Yu-Gi-Oh Nationals is about 8 weeks away. I'm going to Columbus for this thing, to a bigass gaming convention. and i'm competing so I can try to get a free trip to Tokyo. There's a nice incentive to start brushing up on Japanese.
*goes to waste more time when he should be working*