Happy Birthday, Appleseed.
Although you said you were not really celebrating your birthday with a bang.. as your friend I am entitled to stretch out this entry that is dedicated to your birthday as much as I possibly can. It's around 3:30 in the morning and I've been wrapping up the little project I am making you for your birthday. Once you see it I am sure you will question me as to why it has taken me this long to make it for you. I can not do the simplest things sometimes because if I am making something out of scratch for someone, it has to be perfect or else I can not present it. It's just a weird thing that I've always been known to do. And yet here we go with me me me when it is supposed to be about you! But anyways, I still haven't finished it.. I hope I do, though. BEFORE your birthday is over or else it will be a belated gift. I hope you have an amazing sweet sixteen regardless if it is very important to you or not. Every birthday should be celebrated greatly for it is another year that has gone past in your life, and you should celebrate your existance! I love you, Mr. Applesauce. I'm glad we can be dank together. And yes, I can use the word dank without looking like a moron because I am using it in its correct definition and not as slang.