decisions decisions

Apr 30, 2006 03:12

so, I've decided not to post anymore. i'm sure i'll still use this personally. i just won't share. i'm just really done in. may was supposed to be great. but then love is supposed to conquer all. "Amore vincent omnia" ~ my ass.

love doesn't mean shit. it's just another of so many excuses. i love you but... or because i love you...

when it comes down to it, love doesn't mean anything.

probably because in so many ways there are so few people who are willing to actually live by the standards that love sets.

that said. i'm going to copy dustin and fall off this specific plane. only i'm not going to forget the one thing he did. and some day in the future i'm going to thank him for the very valuable lesson he taught me.

everything about him is clear to me now. even the the reason for the one person he kept, though i never thought i'd see it.

spencer is my proof of the one thing dustin forgot. i see what he is to me clearly and without emotion. this doesn't stop me from choosing to feel emotion, but I am no longer capable of doing it the way I used to.

so if you don't hear from me, don't see me or even hear of me, just let me go.

if you do hear from me, see me or hear of me, please don't expect me to be different, but don't expect me to be the same either.

for those of you who have resided spiritually with me, thank you for the seasons you gave me. i have learned so much from you all.

and i'm sorry. to those of you who will not feel closure, who will not understand or who feel slighted.

as always,

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