Sep 09, 2005 00:12
The thoughts in my head go something like this: enka;jeanvle; ajiewjrioacwj ieo wan fkjd as;nfieoNQK eniRJEIRN3I3JG9090TBNenjanj32qnnvnfapioppa.nnci9en'a
fdnajironlk;cdpiopq[FDKGR8wanjiefnp awcji fapwfijewnfi oawne;M
My brain cannot handle anything else right now or I think I might die. I have officially made it through 4 full days of classes and have come to conclusion that I'm going to fail out. One, because I have no motivation. Two, I would really like to have a social life, but they don't seem to think that is important. And Last, this school is so freakin unorganized that I don't even think the teachers understand what they are assigning us, let alone teaching us. They love the concept of "Blackboard" which is this piece of crap internet system to keep up with grades, assignments, quizzes, notes etc. etc. etc. But they don't know how to properly use it. So not only are they unorganized. It makes me unorganized. And when i'm unorganized, I can't study, I can't focus, I have no freaking clue what I'm doing at this school, let alone in my life and I'm so freaking stressed out that all I want to do is cry with my mom. For real, I'm THIS close to calling her up and driving home. Ok, so I won't really do that. But for now, I'm this non-motivated, lazy, don't give a crap student and I feel so unprepared for all my classes and it drives me absolutely insane. So, what do I do? I decide that I'm going to rush. I might as well make my social life more entertaining to make up for the awful academic status i'm about to receive. I'm hating nursing school right now.
Knowing me, I'll wake up in the morning and love my life again, but for now, this is the worst decision I have ever made.
*Positive side note* I have FINALLY made it to friday. I thought this week would never ever ever end. So the day has come. I'm driving down to Southern. I'm seeing Hewy. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I'm going to have a great time and not think about the nursing school once. And the next 18 hours are going to be the longest of my life before I make it down there.