Nov 11, 2005 00:33
How many girls do you know who can run, jump and dance in 4 inch heels!?! I tried at prom. Dear god did I try. I failed miserably. But not Gwen. Gwen is a goddess. She seriously is the coolest girl to ever walk this planet. Well, her solo project thing deducted about 10 cool points. It just doesn't really reach out to me, but she tried. Maybe if she sang about more than just Japan, her clothing line, and bananas it would have been better... well. no. probably not. I really just dont understand the point of going "solo" when you already have a band who can play for you. Why hire new people to play the music? Lame. (Sorry Gwen, It's a sin to put lame and your name in the same paragraph) Forgive me. Her concert however rocked my face off. I dont care what comes out of her mouth, the fact that I was within a 500 feet of her and saw that she is REAL and not a robot has given me great satisfaction. Oh, and black eye peas were ridiculously out of control crazy up there on stage. I loved them too.
I had clinical today. It was awesome. I left the hospital smiling today. Today was sooo great!! I can't get over it! I also volunteered at a nursing home today. I had to interview an elderly woman to assess for risk of falls. She was so sweet! She was 84 and could probably kick my ass she was in such good condition. She was awesome, I want to go back and just chill with her. I found out her husband was the president of Druid Hills Country Club. She left an open-offer to play whenever I'd like at the golf-course. Ohhhh, my dad would die for the priviledge.
Um. Hockey tomorrow night. I can't wait.
LESS THAN A WEEK FOR HARRY POTTER. Who has tickets already for the midnight showing on the IMAX?!?!?!?!?!! Yeah, that'd be me. Eat it.