Aug 15, 2005 12:16
First best friend: Jade Buteau
First car: Wait Till Christmas For That One
First screen name: I Think It Was Like PurpleElefant or Elefants12 or something that jingles like that
First self purchased album: I think it was Britney Spears' first one...Hey, she was cool back then!!!
First pets: MY very first Cat was Baby (or mabee DJ- "Danyelle" and "Jozef") and she had two different colored eyes and Speckles, who was my very first dog and on the day I got her (she was a puppy) I was so souped and Joe bent over to tie his shoe and I leaned over to ask for the thousanth time if he was ready and to sing that I was gonna have a dog for myself and he got up and hit my chin and I bit a huge chunk of the side of my mouth and it was hanging off by, like, a little and it was bleeding bad and stuff but I didn't cry or say anything (just swallowed the blood) cause I just wanted to get the dog...I told my mom a while after it had healed, but not before...I was really little then...we've always had a millian pets so those are just the ones that were personally mine.
First piercing: My ears when I was like 6 months old
First musician you remember hearing in your house: "We Will, We Will Rock You!!!" and "Wanabe" By the Spice Girls
First girlfriend/boyfriend: Nathan Borges in 5th Grade in Warren untill he moved to Cape Cod and I moved back to Borrington
Last car ride: Well, we were gonna go to Wal-Mart but Big Brother was coming on so I had her turn the car around and we just went to McDonalds to get the thing they forgot to put in the first time we went...My last ride was on the bus to come here (Barrington Public Library) to do a scrabooking class with Kayelle...It's fun!!!! I swear it!!!
Last kiss: I can't even remember!!! Isn't that sad??? Thank You sooo much Nick!!! Notttttttt!!!
Last good cry: I've been doing some crying over frustration with curfews's good...a good cry...
Last library book: I got three counry CDs ("Single White Female", Reba, and "Country Classics") and a book I havn't started yet (cause I'm reading "The Kite Runner" for Summer Reading- Great Book- Thanks Mr. Lenz!!!)
Last movie seen: Part of "Ace Ventura Pet Detective" with Joe, Paul, and Chris in his bedroom
Last food consumed: An Onion Bagel with Cream Cheese and Sunny D...Im souped cause Kayelle's gone buy me an everything Bagel with Cream Cheese in eight minutes; Yipeeee!!!
Last girlfriend/boyfriend: Nickolas A**** Russo (Ha, Ha, I know his middle name!!!)
Last phone call: Kayelle this morning to make sure I was awake and getting on a bus to see her
Last shoes worn: My new blue sandles from CVS (I got them for three dollars)
Last cd played: "Single White Female"
Last item bought: A King-Sized Reccee for me, Paul, and Joe
Last annoyance: Probably Joe
Last website visited:, Duh...
Last song you sang: "It Was"
What color socks are you wearing: None
What time did you wake up today: 7:00 a.m...thanks to the lovely, really, Thanks Kayelle, cause that Book Arts thing is fun!!!
What is your career going to be: Teacher or Social Worker Probably...Maybee a writer...
Where are you going to live: Tennessee
What kind of car(s) do you drive: Not Yet, Hun, Wait Till Christmas
Current mood: Yo Tengo Mucho Hambre!!!
Current music: The Librarian talking and the typing of computer keys
Current taste: Unflavored Gum
Current hair: Do you have to ask??? Duh!!! A bun...
Current clothes: My Favorite Pants and my "I Love Italian Boys" shirt and that gray sweatshirt thing...and my red CVS/Brooks sandals
Current annoyance: Hunger
Current desktop picture: Blue...I at the Library, what do you expect???
Current best friend(s): Kayelle, Paul, Chris, Joe
Current girlfriend/boyfriend: I'm single right now...I just dumped Nick this morning via snail mail...(Hey, I know that's gay but I can't help it, he's not around)
Word(s) you said: "I just want to finish this" to Kayelle cause I'm leaving to go eat...
<3 Danatherine