Dec 24, 2002 12:47
i'm watching a makeover story on TLC, pretty bored. i woke up at like 10:30 today and wrapped sum presents for my mom...and now i'm doing nothing, which is nice. i think i'm gonna go back to sleep in a little :) hmm i should really clean my room, but i'm def too lazy for that. so break has been really good so far, doing nothing and just chillin and stuff. i'm just happy not to be in school and whatnot. i'm not really looking forward to doing stuff in the next two days, but w/e. its weird that its gonna b 2003 already, and we graduate..DAMN. haha. i gotta take a shower today much to do..syke. hm, nothing really interesting to talk about so i'm gonna go watch more of the makeover story, sleep and shower...(sorry this entry blew)PEACE.