Mar 02, 2005 10:11
hello freinds well teh sun is out again but it is yet still sort of cold out. ahh i cant wait for spring to get here man itll be nice. In other news well really there is not much other news. except im really trying to gets some friends to visit from michigan lol. ya it sure would be nice, but nooo i have to sit here day in and day out thinking man willi ever see them again lol. just kiding. i actually went to bed early last nigh tbut i felt so bad i wanted to stay up and talk to kari but i kept yawning and new i woouldnt last long which is not me. even though i wasnt feeling quet the best my spirit man was. and i felt like i could concor the teh world. well i ma actually gonna go make soem breakfast and see if charlie is up lol o.k. on that note ill bee talkin to ya later keep it real and God bless.
" the hardest part is't gettign what we are looking for , isn't looking for it, its beign patient enough to wait for it. but beleive once it comes you take all the nights that you stayed up and wondered when will it come? quickly vanish and you replace with a feeling that both with butterflies and makes you breathe heavy and also puts you still were you cant berathe and cant move all at the same time." - Dan Dyer well so long folks