She is Lana Turner.

Sep 09, 2009 04:29

I've talked about how much I love The Art of the Title Sequence before, a while ago I made a list of my personal favorites and this is another. L.A. Confidential is one of my favorite books and it's also one of the best book to film adaptations I've seen done. The actors were spot on and even though things were changed plot-wise, they were changed in a way that made sense. The book is 480 pages long (well my edition is I'm sure they vary) and it spans nearly a decade. The story had to be cut down in order to make an entertaining film. The opening sequence fills you in on several plot points and captures the mood of the film perfectly. I didn't use the entire sequence because I made the screencaps myself and older films are harder to work with but these are some of my favorite shots.

If you haven't seen this film I would definitely recommend it. It's entertaining and has a nice twist ending, Kevin Spacey does an amazing job. I would also recommend the book. I only started reading James Ellroy last year but he's already one of my favorite authors. He has a way of perfectly capturing a time-period and setting. The book starts off at a slow burn but the story is so detailed and complex that it really pays off in the end. Anyway, onto the picspam!

"Come to Los Angeles! The sun shines bright, the beaches are wide and inviting, and the orange groves stretch as far as the eye can see. There are jobs aplenty, and land is cheap. Every working man can have his own house, and inside every house, a happy, all-American family. You can have all this, and who knows... you could even be discovered, become a movie star... or at least see one. Life is good in Los Angeles... it's paradise on Earth. Ha ha ha. That's what they tell you, anyway."

film: l.a. confidential, ! picspam

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