I do understand it. I know the ins and outs and the whys and the hows. But OMFG! Do you realize that the friendly opinionated guy who goes by on you favorite gaming forum could be a corporate shiil?? I'm a bit behind so chances are you've probably read about it on
I browse all the time through
GameFaqs and
Joystiq and whatever forums I can find that will help me make an informed decision about buying videogames. And if these seemingly normal forum posters can be some
Online Brand Ambassador (click on Approach at the top), who is left to trust?? The video game reviewers who never let their bias shown but you know he hated that
pos that you wouldn't think twice about buying?? ('Good' my ass, that shit is GREAT!)
I mean, there are entire advertising
companies that specializes in this type of thing... so when will it stop? Am I never to trust anther forum member who makes a really fucking logical argument about why I should buy a game? Looking at the list of clients for AEG, I feel a little bit of me died... on the inside...