15-ти летняя студентка колледжа написала работу опровергающую Холокост евреев, получила А (10)

Mar 12, 2016 22:56

Оригинал взят у staysane71 в 15-ти летняя студентка колледжа написала работу опровергающую Холокост евреев, получила А (10)

15-ти летняя Jazzy, студентка колледжа из Южной Калифорнии, написала работу, опровергающую Холокост. И получила за это А грэйд, что по нашему 10, или по советскому- твердую пятерку. Вот так. Ни много ни мало. Тем в Америке много, а она за старое. В доброй и старой Англии, за такие мысли несколько лет тюрьмы, но в Америке другие законы. Там отстреливают черных и несговорчивых президентов, травят в новостях мусульман, и держат в постоянном конфликте белых с другими расами. При помощи придурковатых кандидатов в президенты , вроде прощелыги Трампа. Который, даже не годится в подметки своему сателлиту в матушке России Жириновскому , по полету мысли, но тем не менее, американцы отдают ему свои голоса с легкостью . Я лично этому не удивляюсь, Тк средний уровень американского интеллекта упал в какую-то неведомую пропасть, какой-то неведомой виртуальной реальности, созданной на протяжении многих лет имигрантами из Царской России, навроде Мейеров, а так же педофилов Диснеев, Вуди Алленов, одержимых маньяков Кохов, Леманов. Так вот, небольшой пример среднего уровня американского интеллекта. Город Вудланд, что в штате Северная Каролина, вернее практически все его жители, ведомые местным учителем физики, наотрез отказались от постройки одной из компаний, электростанции из солнечных батарей, тк, по их мнению, солнечные батареи высасывают солнечную энергию у солнца, и , в один прекрасный день солнце просто перестанет быть солнцем. (http://www.news.com.au/technology/environment/north-carolina-town-petrified-over-solar-panels-accused-of-being-the-dumbest-in-us/news-story/93c84889b4c50b73d0b1e01e3ae08249)


Ведь, такой народ непобедим, в своей виртуальной реальности. У такого народа нет сдерживающих барьеров и рамок,да и правила они меняют в зависимости колик в желудках. Например , захотелось им перекинуть свои войска в Финляндию, поближе к Российским границам, ОК, им так круто в свем мирке, что в нем даже не нужно было предупреждать финнов об этом. А что финны!? Ну поскандалили для порядку... промеж собой, конечно, не с американцами же, и разошлись. в своих эмоциональных порывах, например рабомбить Россию ядерными боеголовками, ну или Украину, для начала.

И тут вдруг девочка 15-ти лет с мыслями за которые стирают в порошок, С чего бы это она так. Она просто очень долго боялась. Микрочипирования, которое сейчас насаждается на американцев, а потом на всех людей этой планеты, через Обамаке. Генетически модифицированной еды от Монсанто. Фэйковых и реальных растрелов школьников , для того что бы изъять оружие у населения америки. Химтрейлов, с помощью которых мировая элита создает мировую газовую камеру для нас с вами.

Она просто устала бояться, и сделала шаг вперед. Она проснулась. Стряхнула с себя Матрицу пропаганды и вранья СМИ, и как в песне у Эрло Гатри: если это один человек, то скажут , что сумашседший, если двое, то , наверное подумают что голубые, ну , а если трое и больше, то это уже целое движение, и именно этого боится мировая элита, массового освобождения людей от нивидимых цепей психологического рабства.


A lie known worldwide, spreading to clueless people and creating disaster everywhere, has caused so many German lives to be spitefully taken. The "Holocaust", an alleged story of millions of Jews being tortured in concentration camps, has been proven time and time again to be inaccurate, For the acclaimed number of murdered Jews to be true is impossible, proven so not only by logic, but also the fact that the "survivors" of these evens have been known to and even admitted to being paid to lie about it. This in itself should be proof enough of this act of misleading propaganda being false, but there is indeed more evidence.

One reason to believe that the Holocaust is a lie is that the Jews claimed to have been murdered in gas chambers, groups as a time. However, no evidence of such occurrences has been shown or documented. According to scientists who were assigned to study the bodies of the victims of World War 2, "Most of them died from typhus epidemics. Most of the rest of them died from starvation and lack of medical supply care resulting from allied bombing raids against food and medical supply lines. (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=holohoax) The Jews show pictures of hair and clothing of women and children, claiming that they were used for soap and rugs after their owners being stripped of them and brutally killed. However, the truth lies in the fact that "The Germans were against typhus, which was the real reason for shaving heads, fumigating buildings, and cremating corpses." (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=holohoax) Also, heads were shaved and people were gathered top be treated not with lethal gases in order to commit genocide, but with repellant, to stop the epidemic of head lice spreading throughout the camps.

Another thing that contradicts the lies of faulty "survivors" is that the number of Jews said to be killed in the camps was inaccurately stated. Six million Jews were supposedly killed in the Holocaust, when not even such an amount existed in Europe entirely, let alone Germany. "In 1939, there were nearly 15,700,000 Jews in the world. After the Second World War that number had risen to over 18,000,000 Jews. What this means is that of the 15,000,000 original Jews on the planet, 6,000,000 were gassed, leaving only some 9,000,000-plus. Then, the world Jewish population rebounded and doubled to over 18,000,000 in less than nine years - an astronomical feat, which astounded biologists and baby doctors everywhere!" (http://exposing-the-holocaust-hoax-archive.blogspot.com/2009/09/fun-facts-holohoax-for-dummies.html) Not only were the Jews not murdered, but were give a choice. "For that we must go back to one Ilea Ehrenburg,* chief Soviet propagandist during the Second World War and later on to die in Israel, who coined the mythic number on Dec. 22, 1944 - BEFORE tens of thousands of Jewish internees, given the choice of staying to be "liberated" by the Communists or going with their German captors, did not hesitate to choose the latter option!" (http://exposing-the-holocaust-hoax-archive.blogspot.com/2009/09/fun-facts-holohoax-for-dummies.html) Thus proving that the Jewish population was not forced to concentration camps to be scalped and gassed.

Not only do we have visible proof of the holocaust being a lie, but also some very trustworthy witness: The American Red Cross. The Red Cross was asked to do an investigation and search of the camps and corpses, and make accurate reports on their findings. "Says the Report: 'In the chaotic condition of Germany after the invasion during the final months of the war, the camps received no food supplies at all and starvation claimed an increasing number of victims. Itself alarmed by this situation, the German Government at last informed the ICRC on February 1st, 1945 ... In March 1945, discussions between the President of the ICRC and General of the S.S. Kaltenbrunner gave even more decisive results. Relief could henceforth be distributed by the ICRC, and one delegate was authorized to stay in each camp ...' (Vol. III, p. 83)." (http://www.ihr.org/books/harwood/dsmrd01.html) In reading this, one may conclude that the Germans did not intentionally kill the Jews, but strove to maintain lives. Many of the allegations against the Germans made by Jews involved gas chambers, which they claimed to be stripped, shaved, and gathered into for a mass killing. However, in order for a gas chamber to exist on a premise, there must be airtight doors and high chimneys, neither of which was found at the former "death camps." Also, there is no proof of the gassed Jews except for allegations made by hired phony witnesses. According to the Red Cross, "Though six million Jews supposedly died in the gas chambers, not one body has ever been autopsied and found to have died of gas poisoning. We have been shown piles of bodies from World War II, but most of these persons died of typhus or starvation or Allied bombings and a great many of those were murdered Germans - the equivalent of ten football fields should be packed full of gassed bodies to present as evidence, yet not one body has ever been discovered." (http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/holohoax.htm) If this is not proof enough, what else is needed? What excuse can be made in retort?

This is not to say that the Holocaust did not take place. It is only to prove that it did not happen as it was told according to the Jews. Not only in the camps, but all over the world, people died; suffered from starvation, typhus and bombing raids in World War 2. Lastly, without being given the evidence that it did happen as it is told, we are shown clues that the effects on Europe of World War 2 was much different; not a story that would benefit the Jews, giving them compensation each month for some thing that was simply a hyperbole.

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