Dayna is looking for an apron

Jul 13, 2009 23:25

Alright folks, I'm looking for an apron. And not just any apron will do for me.

I've found several on CafePress and have slowly whittled it down to a small handful...and this is where you guys come in.

I need input, and I'm hoping you guys will help. I'll be super grateful and will love you forever. Actually I'd still love you, but that's not the point. This will be extra special love.Instead of just putting the pictures here, I'm putting down their links since the text on a few aprons is small and you'll be able to enlarge them and see them crystal clear on the site.

So, onto the aprons!

We have two that are Sweeney Todd inspried:
You'd Make A Nice Meat Pie
Try A Little Priest

Next are two from Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
A Scene from Hush Episode
A Line From The Wish Episode

Our last two come from the Misc Pile:
Last Time I Cooked...
Check List

Tom is trying to convince me to make my own, with a saying somehow either involving my boobs/boobs in general or another line from the many in-jokes we have around the house.

So yeah, I will appreciate any input :o)

life, poll

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