Jan 26, 2010 15:17
Wow, long time since I've posted here. Not much time to play, let alone post, these days. Finishing up my last year of University with a double major so my play time is. . . limited.
When I do get on, its mostly for either a short merit session (Hour to an hour and a half) and then leading Dynamis. Things go well in the dynamis shell, but that isn't what this post is about.
Lately I've been making time to get on and level SCH. Its currently 39 (er, 40, just dinged) and I'm honestly a bit surprised at how much fun I'm having just leveling. Now, this isn't SMN burning, or power leveled exp fests in West Ronf S. These are just honest to goodness parties in Yhoater Jungle.
I know, I know, "fun" and "leveling" in the same sentence is generally not allowed, but there is just something really calming about getting a party and just leveling again. I'd started to feel really cut off from the general FF community as my interest in end game fell off. First I left HNM, then I stopped doing everything but dynamis and sea, and now I don't even do sea. Most of my friends that still play are still very focused on end game shit, so I hardly get to play with them the times I am on, and the small social group in my shell mostly runs salvage together (barring me). I'm almost always just on the outskirts not doing anything, and that really takes its toll.
Even more than that, I think I was just sick of the stress from leading shit all the time. Its refreshing playing with people I don't know, and don't feel I owe anything. I'm just there to get levels, same footing as everyone else in the party. Its oddly nice to know that I'm, for all intents and purposes, just a lowbie again.
I guess all I'm saying is that if you're getting fed up with the game, or feeling mad at end game, or getting stressed, or really whatever, try leveling another job up the normal way. Don't go in with the mind set that you want to be 75 asap, just have fun with it. Don't worry about the gear of the level sync'd PLD, or that the BLU isn't in the idle TP setup. Getting 10k/hour all the time isn't nearly as fun as just enjoying yourself with a slower group.