Ah so steve called me today it was hard I was torn on one hand I was happy he called me before I called him on another I was fine until he called now I can't get him out of my head. I wish things were different and I wish we could be together but there is nothing I can do except go on with my life and do my daily thing school work homework and friends maybe I don't have time for a guy right now but I'm so lonley without him my bed feels so empty and so does a part of me. I've been drinking with my friend amber and maybe that's why I'm thinking about this. I know I don't need a guy to make me happy but I also know a guy would make me happier. I always seem to pick the guys who need help someone I can take care of someone who needs me I think it has to do with my childhood and my baby but I'm not sure. My life is hard I'm at a low point and I do t really know how to fix it I'm just going along day by day dealing with it. May e that's all I can do right now but that option sucks. I want everything to be okay and happy. Butt it's 7am and I have to work at 11 so I need to sleep for at least a little while I've been up since 8am so for 23 hours now and I don't know if I'll be able to get sleep since I have so much on my mind. *sigh* good night lj! Hope all of you are well
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