Jun 07, 2007 23:59
Because I've been a bit overwhelmed lately. Trying to fit in everything I need to fit in while still taking care of myself and maintaining a fairly decent sleep schedule has been difficult. CYT's been ramping up, which is incredibly exciting! For that, I need to:
--Photocopy a few of the books and transpose a couple parts before they get distributed in a few days.
--Go through the vocal parts and fix any harmonies that don't make sense and/or are incomplete.
--Learn the piano part very solidly for rehearsal accompaniment purposes.
--Conduct through the score a few times and get that down solidly.
The Dave Strumfeld Group has been gelling ridiculously much lately. We've been doing lots of rhythm sectional work and it's been paying off many times over. We're tighter than we've EVER been, even on songs we've only been doing for a week or two. We've also played once or twice a week since returning at local open mic nights, and stumbled across an incredible place in Albany last night (Bayou Cafe). We'll definitely be re-appearing there at their open mics and, hopefully, for a show. Oh, and Riverfest is this Saturday (the 9th), 2:30 to 4, after the Shaker Jazz Ensemble plays. Free show, so come check it out, yo.
Hoffman's has been, well, Hoffman's. I haven't had too much trouble this year with any customers there, and I'm respected enough among the employees as a five-year worker to basically take on lots of leadership roles without being an assistant manager and incuring the additional responsibilities and hours. It's quite nice.
Grandpa turns 80 next week! DSG plays NYC in a week and a half! CYT starts formally in 2 and a butt weeks. Stuff with Genevieve is good! Life is good!