...so far so good...

Nov 22, 2004 19:35

not much has happened since my last entry ...as ususal. well i did meet The Used like last week, i even met Burt, he gave me like a five minute hug, it was a lil uncomfortable but it was kinda kewl meeting him. i always thought he would be taller,lol. -- now im just sitting here waiting for salvation from my boredom. the parents returned home from their trip to Arizona on saturday, they got me a t-shirt and a watch, im satisfied. and no matter how relaxed he was from the trip my dad is still bugging me about cleaning my room, its funny cause he's threatened to take the car away for about the past 5 months, when was the last time it wasnt a total disaster area. i'll probly start to clean it tonite to shut him up for a bit. yea definatly nothing to talk about. i ventured to Del Val college with wallace to his girl's brother's party. it was an ok party, the beer was shitty but i got pretty bent so i say it was a success. as far as school is concerned, ...so far so good... i past everything!!! hahaha i was amazed myself. i had like a ten foot erection that whole day. it did feel good to do well. they were all C's but i'll take then till i can get better. im mainly concerned about gettin the fuck outta there. today wasnt too bad this 1 girl at my lunch table was being a miserable little bitch and wouldnt tell us wat was the matter. but o well fuck her. lol im in like a really good mood and nobody know's why. thats just gonna be my little secret for a lil while. well im outta news to report to any of u sad fuckers that actually read this garbage journal lol... till next time....~`FiN`~
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