im baffled....some1 help me!!

Dec 19, 2003 17:31

ok well last nite while i was online i decided to go in a chat and talk to random ppl...yea i get pretty goddamn bored, but anyway i was talking to this girl, she says she knows me and sll this stuff but i have no clue who she is here's wut i have of the convo:

SLickTHis1285 [7:54 PM]: i was tryin to talk to u but u didnt answer
XCherriSurpriseX [7:54 PM]: Because I know who you are and I am not fond of you
SLickTHis1285 [7:55 PM]: lol im just tryin to find out who u are
SLickTHis1285 [7:55 PM]: why aren't u fond of me ?
XCherriSurpriseX [7:55 PM]: dont worry about it your name is Dan Hill
XCherriSurpriseX [7:55 PM]: I don't like you and your not a nice person
SLickTHis1285 [7:55 PM]: am i an asshole to u
SLickTHis1285 [7:56 PM]: what do i do thats sooo horrible
SLickTHis1285 [7:56 PM]: help me change my ways
XCherriSurpriseX [7:56 PM]: Your just an asshole please stop iming me
SLickTHis1285 [7:56 PM]: haha ok then

...ok ppl am i really an asshole?? i kno i joke around alot but i never had the impression that ppl think im really an asshole...i dunno its kinda bothering me becuase i dont kno what i did to make this person think this about's wut happened when i IMed her today :

SLickTHis1285 [5:01]: hi...i was jus wondering if u could tell me what it is that i did to u that was so terrible, im sorry if i gave u the impression i was an asshole, if u could tell me i'd reallyt appriciate it..thank you
XCherriSurpriseX [5:03]: dont worry about it ur just an ass!!
SLickTHis1285 [5:05} : im sorry u think that way about me....well again im sorry for whatever it was i did or said to u or some1 you kno, have a nice nite if anyone reading this knows who this is could tell me i'd really like to kno, im not pissed im just confused, becuase when i say or do something to some1 i usually ask them if they kno im kidding or playing around...blah, please sume1 help me find out who this is? thanx ...ur pal --FiN!!--
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