
Nov 30, 2005 08:15

This post is mostly to pyrthalax --

Interesting post. And when I say "interesting" I mean "of the sort that had me up half the night, unable to sleep."

I'm a bit peeved that you felt the need to screen comments and therefore our replies aren't visible, but it's your journal. You're entitled to post whatever you want in it, and you're not required to allow people to respond there if you don't want them to.

I'm also peeved that I'm being told that my journal isn't worth reading because of all my political posts and Realms complaints. Whah? I don't make locked posts -- all of my posts are public with the exception of the occasional house-information post that's locked to my husband -- so what you see is what you get. No one has to read my journal if they don't want to, but don't tar and feather me with the same brush you're using for other people, okay?

I believe that you're putting words in my mouth over the "never forgive you" thing. I don't remember saying that on the one occasion we've talked in the past few years, and in the conversation we had in Steve's journal I said that I "felt disappointed" that you and many more hadn't stepped forward. Hardly the same thing.

I say you are blind, hypocritical and you just don’t get it. You anger against the world made you do stupid things in a foolish order and because you were personally hurt, did not see the truth around you. Still don’t see, even when I and other faced you with it.


Every comment I see you've left in Steve's journal over the Realms issue said that you understood why he needed to take a break. You said that he SHOULD spend time with his family and child. Were you lying then? Or are you changing the truth to suit your needs now?

And, in case you and everyone else have forgotten, the kid that Steve originally took to task for (verbally) gay-bashing Josh ADMITTED TO HAVING DONE IT. Steve didn't just pull the kid's name from his ass -- it was the kid's IM, the kid admitted that he was so drunk he didn't remember most of the evening. BLADE admitted that the kid had done it. So STOP with the freaking "Steve made a mistake and blamed an innocent." Until Adam stepped forward and said that most of the homophobic slurs had been typed by him while the minor kid lay passed out on the floor, no one had any reason to think that it hadn't been the kid, including Blade, who publically stated that it had been.
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