
Apr 27, 2005 04:21

So my official Air Force orders have come in finally. Looks like they want me to leave on or after 11 June and I have to report no later than 1200 on 14 June at Maxwell AFB in good old Montgomery, Alabama. Then after I graduate on 2 Aug from there I have to report no later than 5 Aug to Randolph AFB, Texas. So it pretty much looks like I'll have no summer to speak of, except for the 2 weeks right after I graduate. So if you plan to see me before I leave please do so before then. Right, like anyone cares that i'm leaving haha.
But yeah so that means that I will probably go down to Myrtle Beach with Shrop the week right after I graduate (I graduate on 29 May) and then I'll probably have my graduation party either that weekend or the one after it. But the week after that I want to go down to my trailer down the Jersey shore with Matt and Shrop and whoever else again cuz that was fun times last summer. So yeah real life is sloowly creeping in. At least this will get me used to the fact that for the rest of my life most likely, and at least for the next 6 years, I won't have very much more than 2 weeks of vacation during the Summer to enjoy. Kinda sucks after always having most of the summer off while i was in high school and here in college, but hey that's life. At least it will be 2 weeks of paid vacation! And i'm sure I can take leave or whatever if I need to attend weddings or stuff like that, anything important.
On a different note, this is I think the 3rd night in a row that I haven't gone to sleep at night. I mean i go to sleep, its just during the day. That worked fine during the summer, and my winter break, but it kinda doesn't work so well now that I have classes during the day and I have to get up at least twice a week at 545am (including tomorrow) to do physical exercise and whatnot. Maybe I just won't go to bed tonight and then I'll just try and stay up all day tomorrow and go to bed early to get myself back on track. That's what I had to do during winter break haha. I would get on this cycle where I would keep going to bed later and later and later and waking up later and later and later to where it got to the point that I had to stay up all night, not go to bed, and keep myself up till the next night just to get back on track. I am sure I'm screwing my health and my body, and probably my mind by messing up my sleep patterns, but to tell you the truth I've never really had regular sleep patterns. I like the night life. I like to boogie. And that's all there is to say.
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