I just had a "holy cow" moment...
I was looking through an old View (posted online by Brian Johnson at www.valehaven.com)
http://www.valehaven.com/VHPDF/VH-1993-December.pdf and after finding my TWO favorite poems we ever posted, reading them and getting slight chills from each one, I stumbled across something I posted...
a proposal for 200-blow scalping rules(!)
I had completely forgotten writing that, but apparently *I* am to blame (or credit?) for the Realms' current 200-blow scalping system.
I knew I had made major contributions to the game, the rules and all that, but jumpin' jesus! If someone had told me that I had come up with that 16 years ago I might have called them a liar and told them someone else probably thought of it, like Lance, Lackey or another brilliant mind from the good old days.
Yoiks. Next time I find myself being scalped, I guess I've only got myself to blame. Literally...