I was babysitting tonight. Will be babysitting for them again at least on NYE, possibly sooner than that, as well. Yay money! These are actually the people I babysat for last New Years Eve.
I've been promising a "what's up with Brandi" in-depth post for a while. So sit back and enjoy the ride.
Cut for your convenience. Because I'm nice like that.
First of all, a couple people know this already, but in January I will be moving to a new livejournal account. I will not be renaming this one. This one will stay as it is, with all my entries and such from my senior year of high school up through now. The new one (which has already been created but will remain undisclosed until I switch over to it on January 1st) will take over the chronicling of my life, from here on out. I still haven't decided for certain whether it will be friends only or if it will remain mostly-public, as this one has been. [Edited to add: though I am leaning more towards friends-only.]
I will make a post specifically about this switch closer to the end of the month. Also, I'm totally going to take advantage of lj's generosity and gift myself with a paid year to get the free userpics. Yay LJ, you rock! Hey, I was gonna set that one up as paid w/ extra userpics for starting at the beginning of the year anyway, might as well take LJ up on their kickass offer.
Need to watch Empire Strikes Back to take caps and make icons. In case you missed it (and I still need to cross-post it to my icon comms), I posted A New Hope icons
here over at my graphics journal. Yes, finally. Shut up. I know I promised Star Wars icons aeons ago. Note, please, that in icon #11, Luke has gotten the Skywalker whine down pat. Now there's a boy who can do his daddy proud. I kind of wanted to put "this is my disappointed face" on #1, but it wouldn't fit. So I was sad.
Oh, speaking of icons, yes, I still need to make the interests meme icons. Crap happened with Pigwidgeon (who I got back from Best Buy on Sunday, but then was promptly returned to Best Buy on Monday because the stupid Geek Squad didn't even fix the stupid problem) and I've been juggling loaners and my desktop computer, which is in drastic need of a reorganization, yo. My OCD simply can't stand the way things are set up over there.
Last night (Monday night), mom and I went to La Zona Rosa for a tewtally awesome and free Trace Adkins show (country singer). The catch? It was a benefit for Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. I GOT TO MEET PEOPLE. I got to meet (and got autographs from) Paul DiMeo, Tanya McQueen, and Eduardo Xol, plus Trace Adkins (and pictures with all of said people, too. ee!). Sadly, we couldn't catch Ty, though we were practically THISCLOSE to him during the concert. Mom was rightnextto Paul during the show, then there were Tanya and Eduardo, then TY. Eeeee.
So. This episode is supposed to air in February or something like that, so if you watch the show (or even if you don't), keep your eyes peeled for when it'll air. It's a family from Austin, TX, and they have kids with autism, and they're, like, a month away from foreclosure on their house (hence the benefit concert, and yes, we did donate monies). We may end up in crowd shots from the concert because we were RIGHTTHERE in the front and RIGHTNEXTTO the designers. Eeee. And, of course, Trace was teh awesome indeed and it just rocked totally. I'll get the pictures up once I get Pigwidgeon back again, because the computer software that speaks to my camera is on him, not my desktop.
I am rereading The Secrets of Jin-Shei. I do so love this book. Anyone who hasn't read it must read it. Right now. GO TO THE STORE RIGHT NOW AND BUY IT. It is by Alma Alexander, and she's right at the beginning of the general fiction section. You can't miss it. It's a wonderful book. I DEMAND YOU READ IT. But keep kleenex handy if you're the weepy emotional type.
Funnily enough? Last December, on NYE, when I was babysitting for the family I babysat for tonight, I was working on my first knitting project (a blue and silver striped scarf that is still not finished) and reading The Secerets of Jin-Shei. I brought both book and knitting with me to the house and, after the kids went to bed, split my time between reading and knitting. Which is basically what I'll be doing this year as well. Same book, same knitting project. Though this time I may bring along my Nintendo DS Lite, too. So shiny. So pretty. Preeeeeecious. (Btw, my younger brother bought a Wii, and he named it "Precious," lmao).
"I'm dreaming about bondage roaches. That's it, no more pate before bed."
That is so my newest "sleeping" away message. Along with the one expressing my hopes that I dream again about the slasher flick that was taking place in my house. Said dream occurred, like, a week or so ago, and I was a tad upset that I woke up right after Random Guy #1 had been decapitated, Random Chick had disappeared without a trace, and Random Guy #2 had gone racing away in a car. I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS. Sigh. Despite my hopes that I return to the dream, it has eluded me. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. [ oh, dramatize. ]
I just put on Vienna Teng's CDs "Waking Hour" and "Warm Strangers" in Winamp. Haven't listened to just Vienna in a long time.
To-do list, more for myself than any of you lot. xD Yes, it's all to do with RP stuff, because this is really the only thing that actually needs to-do lists, because otherwise I get distracted and forget what I'm supposed to be working on, and instead I'll end up working on something else that I don't need to be working on quite yet. And these should be worked on roughly in-order within the sections. The alt_78 characters can be done in any order, really.
- Icons:
- Histories:
- Derek ? (who also needs a last name) @ green_dawn
- Miriam Strout @ memories
- Alice Hargrove, Davy Gudgeon, Eden Richardson, Marlene McKinnon, and Regina Wood @ alt_78
- Hallie Eyre & Javier Vasquez @ green_dawn
Yes, my Green Dawn characters (all of the next three) are basically planned out, I just have to sit down and actually write their histories. And Derek is separate from Hallie and Javier because I can bring him into the game on the 15th, but both Hallie and Javier have to wait until at least January. Darn me and my own rules! The characters (all of them, in both lists) are actually in order based on when they're "due". Derek can join GD on the 15th, I can app Miriam at memories on the 19th, and alt starts in January, so I just need their stuff done by then.
Javier also needs to tell me what his power is. Matt and Hallie have already told me what their powers are, and what levels, but Javier is just being picky and quiet. He can't be brought into GD until at least the 15th anyway, so. I have plenty of time.
I'm not particularly tired. Which sucks, because I kept almost falling asleep on the very comfy couch at the house I was babysitting at.
Mebbe I'll play some MarioKart DS (rented it from Blockbuster the other night) and then read some before hitting the sack. I'd knit, but I'm actually just tired enough that I know better than to do anything like that because I'd make mistakes and what I'm currently working on is scarves for my students, and I don't want them to totally suck. And they have to be done by their last day of class, which is the 21st, and I only have one out of 9 completed so far. Insanity? Why no, I don't suffer from it, I enjoy every minute of it, actually.
♥ and that is all from me tonight, my lovelies. Behold the long post that has been promised. Revel in its long and crazy glory. And you know that you're itching to read what's behind those lj cuts thanks to my catchy titles. ADMIT IT. ESPECIALLY POINT THE FIFTH.