(OOC) How's My (Reckless) Driving?

Nov 17, 2008 20:00

This is the official concrit post for how gogo ( gogo_ergo_sum )  plays Dante Sparda. Doin' it all wrong? Doing something right? Concrit is very welcome, as is love, and/or general comments and questions. Anon commenting is on and comments are screened. If you leave an anon comment, please be so kind as to identify what RP you're referring to. Thnx.

For the record, Dante's character/personality at hardboiled_rpg  was a mix of DMC3, DMC4, Devil May Cry manga Code: 1 and Code: 2, and the Devil May Cry novels. Don't expect or look for much (if any) of the anime Dante there. In Hard Boiled's film noir AU, Dante was a 26 year old bounty hunter/private investigator (and human).

This journal was also used for canon!Dante at turnip_town  (for the love and the lulz) and briefly at COLORS RP. At both games, his character/personality was pulled from DMC3, the manga, and the novels. In both games, he was taken out of DMC3 canon, right before Mission 8, and was thusly played as a 19 year old half-demon with newly awakened demonic powers.

Just joined an RP on Ink, so, for now, this journal will be used for character development, private RPing/co-writes, and general Dante shenanigans. Most, if not all, posts will be f-locked or private.

Current castmates, readers, friends, innocent bystanders, etc. are still welcome to leave concrit and feedback here--or just stop by to say HI.


hmd, ooc

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