Oct 23, 2005 22:12
well, i feel like shit. i've had a pounding headache all day. we went to bed at 9 this morning and i woke up at 245. i've felt like shit since i woke up. heather is finally feeling better though. and if i have to be sick for her to be healthy than so be it. i finally puked while heather was on her food run. i feel better now that i have that crap out of my system. i think that the eggs i ate for breakfast(is it still breakfast if you eat it at 4 in the afternoon?)might have been bad. after i ate them i looked at the carton and saw that they were "best if eaten by June 17"...yipes...just yipes. oh well food poisoning goes through my system quick so if it is really that then i should be fine soon.
the truck is still as UA as the "kandi twins" military member. u-haul is still holding me responsible for the truck, thus they keep calling asking for it's whereabouts. the cops are still looking for it so i hope they don't find it while the kids are driving it. hopefully the truck gets returned and this all goes away. actually i haven't heard from u-haul since 5 so the truck might be there now, for their sake i hope it is. oh well it's their felony charges.
i'm sick, i'm tired, and i'm going to bed.
love you all.
P.S. thank you all for the icons, now i feel like less of a loser.