Apr 13, 2010 20:44
so, recently I was kidnapped and dragged along to a showing of How to train your dragon (in 3D!)
in a brilliant and diabolical plot to get me to avoid actual work.
I feel that this movie acts as a good barometer for my feelings on the emergence of new? technologies, since I was fortunate enough to see the movie in both formats.
I think that 3D movies are at best a half-baked concept that looks good on paper but falls short in execution due to the fact that there are still hard borders on the image. yes, 3D films appear shiny and good looking as long as your focus remains in exactly the right place, but the hard edges remind the viewer at all times that they are looking at an optical trick, thus detracting from the storytelling, which is where you really get the viewer to forget about being in a movie theater.
we know for a fact that 3D movies could work, the human eyes have been looking at the world with a sort of pseudo 3D view for thousands of years, so this gets me thinking about how we might be able to simply bypass the eyes and allow the brain to do all the really heavy lifting, but that takes us directly into the world of implants, which is too much to ask of any moviegoer.
as far as the movie goes. I'd recommend it, it's a really simple story and won't expect much from you in the thinking department, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Overall, it's a fun little cartoon and well worth your money and time.