Dec 26, 2007 22:16
why is it that when you put your underwear on backwards, all the clothing you wear seems to not fit correctly?
...and now, on with the show...
"it's the most wonderful time, of the year, with the holidays done and family drama gone there's just one thing to do!!!!!!
Drink champagne by the pail till we puke..."
in short, I survived the holiday season, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.
oh, it's been a hell of a month for this particular otter. I mean just consistently nuts about the head with this and that and flying monkee attacks. That would be genetic clones of the bandmembers with little fez's and wings to do my bidding.
if you haven't guessed by now, I'm incredibly tired, and my mind is almost completely gone for the night, but before I do check out of reality, I thought I'd pop into my favorite lj account and tell everyone that there's a complete crapload of stuff going on.
With work dominating most of my daytime hours, I spend all my time in a perpetual state of headaching, dull with the amount of information and stress that goes on in my head. I tend to be a stressful guy by nature, it's not unusual for me to throw a panic attack before going to the grocery store. I suppose it just goes with the territory. apart from that, I spend most of my time drawing as much as I can, trying to keep up the detailed schematics for any decent idea that rolls out of my head, at last estimate, I was up to about seven per day. which means that soon, when the shop is back in working order and I have some better tools at my disposal again, I'll have to get back to prototyping and building all these things, which makes my head hurt trying to remember all my recent machinery knowledge.
when I'm not literally running around, trying to make the best of my five hours of free time, I've been reading the pound of books that I bought at the used bookstore, which I just recently learned, I have a three hundred dollar credit there, Surpise! Happy Birthday to me...
so I just finished up 3/4 of the Hanibal Lecter book series by Thomas Harris, found the literary character of Lecter to be very charming, and saw some disturbing similarities to myself in there as well. Take solace in the fact that I least don't eat people yet.
that, and some michael chrichton, who's quality seems to fluctuate from book to book. But the real surprise treat was Carl Sagan's book, contact. Should've listened to my lil brother a while ago *waves* Truly a fantasic man and astronomer, not to mention writer. Cosmos has taken an obligatory jump to the top of one of my reading lists.
Saw some movies over the holiday weekend.
Sweeny Todd was interesting, but you'll have to be in the right mood to watch it, I went for the costuming and the filmography and I was impressed.
The new National Treasure sequel takes cornyness to new, dizzying hights as it reaches for the gold medal of mediocrity.
But the real surprise of the weekend was I am Legend. A very short movie, which I appreciate very much, that is indeed worth seeing and dare I even suggest it? buying on video disc.
Christmas morning, while underwhelming in the usefulness of it's givings, and we all know I don't go for the family. Did at least reward my efforts with some new artwork for me to enjoy, as well as a 120 year old inkwell to grace my desk. Now if I could only write in copperplate. alors, such is life. this year also brings a new record in alchohol consumption for me. I managed to drink two and one half bottles of champagne in the course of four hours while I was forced to sit in the living room of my grandmother and participate in *shudder* family time.
*mumbles incoherently and spasms a bit in his chair* sorry about that kiddos, fell asleep for a moment. I hope to be making more progress with actual marketing and selling of some of my inventions, although prohibitive patenting fees are keeping me firmly in the base stages of ownership of my own intellectual property, Can anyone say 10,000 dollar legal fees? I'm hoping to remedy the lack of protection in these areas with self sealed and notarized documentation that I can store at my convenience. anybody care to comment? I'm not sure if it's worth my time.... But in one weekend I could become a I licensed notary myself, that would cut costs slightly. *scratches his chin*
well, that covers the loosest movements of my life over the last month, if anybody wants dirty details, or even dirty deeds, done dirt cheap. You know who to talk to. Please? I'm getting kinda bored....