Oct 22, 2007 21:31
What makes a hero?
Truly. Isn't it just a matter of persepective. With changing times and changing ideas the idea of heros have become something we constantly question. For example when Superman first came out he could do anything. He represented the greatest that society belived in. He didn't kill, he righted wrongs, he found a way to inspire a nation. Today from our prosepective he is out of date, we question his ethics, we question if it is right or wrong for him not to kill. Did he really do eneough? Superman's ideals from the 50's had to change...but how much. In the 80's The Punisher was one of the most popular heros. He killed constantly, fought against societies standerds, he was really the anti-hero. And we as a society loved it.
So what makes a hero now. A country so polorized in ideals. No one issue that we can agree on. No one thing we all can belive in. So what makes a hero for us all. Is it the man who stands against the crowd or the one that leads it? Who says something is right or wrong?
I have always belived I had a destiny to do something great. To change the world. I know that sounds arrogant and stupid...but I have always felt that I was destined to do this. So how does one become the hero society needs and how does he know he is truly a hero and not a villian.
I honestly don't know...someday...