i ignore my own advice for a minute here

Aug 23, 2005 17:41

Baby boomers need to stop talking about Vietnam.

'We cast one young woman, Sarah Rolan, into a role where she would dance while listening to her iPod, to the sound of various 60's protest songs. We would mix this dancing with modern protest footage, which includes footage from Kent, Ohio on May 4, 2003 when the police brutalized and arrested numerous people during a peaceful protest.'

Worse than an uninspired cliche. The Boomer quest to convince us that what they did in the 60's was really important and meaningful is another reason I'm always caught between embarassment for the human race and bloody sick rage. Not that Kent State didn't really really suck (duh) but I think these kinds of attempts to get post-hippies back in the protest game are pathetic, doomed to failure. Hello, in case you haven't been paying attention, all baby boomers have ever been interested in is themselves and their security blankets. Most of them are not going to get up and fight against the war, because now America's got a specialized warrior caste to do the killing and dying for them. Fuck them.

In my chest beats a fiery <3!!!, and I'll fight any fucker who says different.

Also, happy post-birthday to me.
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