
Feb 09, 2005 21:27

My mom called me tonight after work and said that she probably won't be visiting after all. The reasons being that she wants to come with someone and there is no one to go with since my family is poor and stuff. The other reason being that she wants to buy me a car (who am I to refuse?). She made a good points about it. I need a car to get around the area, especially if I am going to work part time. A car will enable me to get a job in any city surrounding Irvine, such as Newport Beach, Tustin, Santa Ana, whatever. Also, I can visit home more often and drive myself home for vacations/breaks, etc. Plus, I can go to Los Angeles a lot more and not have to ride the metrolink! Not that I ever minded riding the metrolink, but I would have more opportunity to be spontaneous and visit my favourite place. As a consolation, she will probably be coming with me to visit Robert in South America when he studies there this year. I haven't had a car since my other one got taken away. :( That car sucked anyway, but it did get me around to where I wanted to go.

School is sucking hard. I haven't gone to class in a while because I need a break from it all. My documentary film group is breathing down my neck about our weekly assignments. I got a really nasty email from one of them yelling at me for always being busy. Sorry for having a job. Fuck it, no one christened me the leader, it's not like we need to meet fifty times a week to discuss our project. Do stuff on your own, shit. Take the initiative!

Despite being all lame when it comes to school, last weekend was quite fun. Friday, a whole bunch of us went to some stupid club where they played the exact same songs in the exact same order as last Friday. My friend who I am interested in ended up coming. By the end of the night, it was just us left, which was nice. Making new friends is always good. Saturday, we were tentatively scheduled to go to Snobs, but I bailed out at the last minute because I did not feel like it anymore. Instead, I stayed at Manor House and hung out with Heather for most of the time. We went to Selly Sausage for some pancakes with Ginny and then to Heather's favourite store, named Home Bargains. Later that night we ended up going to Rachel's room where Steph and Lindsay were as well. Steph and Heather attempted to teach me hackey sack, but I hackey sucked. After I felt like I was out of place, I went to Tom's where we watched 7 episodes of Little Britain. Sunday I worked during the day and met Natanya and Justine and Liz at Bella Italia for Justine's bday dinner or something. We arrived at the eatery at 6:45 and didn't get served until 8:50. Our waitress informed us at 8:20 that the kitchen lost our ticket and so we would have to re-order our food. It was either wait MORE or leave pissed off and hungry. We ended up staying and finally got served. When we got the bill there was a massive discount (as we expected). We ended up only paying 4 pounds each. Normally, it would have cost about 13 pounds each. Sucky service pays off sometime.

This weekend should be fun. I can't wait to get class over with tomorrow. Jo invited me to a graduation shindig she is having at an unknown location. If I feel up to it I'll go, but I am not sure about it. I love Jo, but I am inept socially when it comes to meeting hoards of people that I don't know. Saturday, Heather and I have a date at Mr. Egg after I finish my early shift!!! Omeletts await us. Then, I believe Natanya, Liz, Justine and I are having a slumber party in my room. I am trying to coerce Natanya into watching Texas Chainsaw (the original), but she is vehemently against it. A Liverpool trip was supposed to happen Sunday, but we decided to postpone it. Heather and I are gonna do something else on that day instead, at least I hope she is still up for it.

My computer is in Birmingham, now I just have to wait for it to be delivered and set up in coherence with the school network.

I am sick of the academics of Birmingham. I just want to hang out and work. I feel I have writers block when it comes to doing anything academic. I don't go to class, I don't read for class, I don't do the assignments..............I must remedy this though. Tomorrow I am dragging myself to class alllll day!!!!! I make it sound like an arduous task, when I only have two classes that only last for an hour and a half each. I'm so lazy. When I return home, I am forcing myself to work on the documentary treatment moreso so my group can quite their fucking whining and be happy that work is getting done.

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