A little Meme-ing on a Thursday afternoon

Feb 09, 2012 14:21

I'm actually a bit irrationally nervous about tonight's episode, for reasons I can't at all explain. Too much excitement overloading into anxiety, perhaps? But I have a meme to distract me, from the ever-lovely waltzmatildah. Memes are my coping mechanism for all things. 

oo1. Who is the one celebrity you'd like to compete on The Amazing Race with?

Ok, truth be told, I've never actually seen The Amazing Race. I gather that it's some sort of international hunt-type thing? Who knows (people who watch it, probably). But if I needed to pick a celebrity to travel around the world and be awesome with, I'd probably go with Neil Patrick Harris, because NPH is actually made of awesome, so it would be easy. He and Tina Fey are on my short list (they are the list, actually) of people I would happily marry, knowing full well that it would be a sexless relationship, just because they would be so freaking fun to hang out with.

oo2. Would you win? Why? Why not?

Are people able to resist the glory of NPH? I thought not. Yeah, we would win.

oo3. If you could put together a musical supergroup of five different members, who would they be?

UM. This is not an easy question. My musical tastes are so wildly diverse that it would most likely end up being some weird hybrid of Broadway stars and Alt-Rock borderline emo dudes, and it would probably be alarming. But for now...Brandon Flowers from The Killers, because his glorious voice has owned my soul since I was 15. Norah Jones, who is my go-to girl whenever I need to chill out or check out of the world for a minute. Marcus Mumford, because I am in love with Mumford & Sons and I can't see that ever changing. John Lennon, because. And can I draw a tie between Billie Holiday and Frank Sinatra? WHAT IS THIS GROUP.

oo4. Summer or winter?

Summer all the way. I live in a place where it is pretty much summer all the time, and I'm a sunshine and flip-flops kind of girl. Winter's fun for a visit, but I like my temperate climate all year round, thank you very much.

oo5. If you could write ONE episode for ONE television show, what show would it be and what would happen?

Can I just take all the shows that have burned me in the past and write a new series finale? Top of that list would be a draw between Veronica Mars and Skins gen 2. I would give VM an actual ending, tell Piz to GTFO, and fix Logan/Veronica because it is so abundantly clear that they can only ever be totally happy with each other. Meanwhile, Skins is probably the series most in need of my attention. Surprise! It's the lost episode 9 in which Freddie did NOT randomly get killed by a baseball bat and all the characters actually got closure. NOT BITTER.

oo6. What do you know about Tasmania (no Wikipedia-cheating!)?

Absolutely nothing. I know there's a Tasmanian Devil in Looney Tunes, and that is the extent of my impressive knowledge.

oo7. Do you speak a second (third, fourth) language?

I speak French, though it's been a few years since I've spoken it regularly, so it isn't so easy as it once was. This doesn't stop me from remembering the most random words. Like dust. I will never forget how to say dust in French. I don't even know why. Meanwhile, I speak the tiniest bit of Italian, but again, not in a while. Does internet speak count as a language? Because the amount of tbh's and nbd's that have crept into my actual spoken vocabulary is starting to get worrisome.

oo8. Dresses or jeans?

Dresses, forever and ever. I am a casual dress every day girl, come rain or come shine. I have not worn a pair of jeans since 2009. This is not an exaggeration.

oo9. What is your favourite book?

This question is impossible and I resent it greatly. There is no such thing as a favorite book for me. There are books I love best, books I think are brilliant, books I'm nostalgic about, books that shaped me, but there is no favorite. But I'll mention a few:

Harry Potter, because this series legitimately changed my life. I was 9 when I picked up the first book, and it pretty much made me into a fangirl (well, it awoke the latent fangirl gene, which I think must be a genetic thing of some kind - scientists, get on that). It also spanned all of my formative years - I read the last book 2 months after I turned 18. This series will always be one of my greatest literary loves.

Pride & Prejudice - I don't think I need to explain this. Though I could mention that I'm literally named after the heroine. Jane Austen is a big deal in my family (we have named 5 dogs after Jane Austen characters. No joke.).

A Room With A View by E.M. Forster - this is a perfect book. It's absolutely gorgeous, genuinely brilliant, and one of the most romantic books I've ever read. It is the most glorious hybrid of literary excellent and merit and squee-worthy romance, and if you haven't read it, you must, because it's actually flawless.

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte - Most people will tell you this book is a great love story between Catherine and Heathcliff. It is NOT, not at all. And that's why I love it so much. I went into it expecting to read some epic romance, and instead I got this twisted, psychologically dysfunctional, miserable, fantastic mess. This book sometimes hurts to read, and it's nothing like what the movie adaptations or pop culture will tell you it is. It's so much better. Every time I read it, I love it more.

I need to stop before I list the entire contents of my bookshelves, but honorable mentions to the entire collected works of Charles Dickens, Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf, and so many others that I can't remember but still want to cry at not mentioning.

o1o. Your most embarrassing fandom related moment.

Probably the entirety of my Harry Potter fanfiction oeuvre, written when I was between the ages 9 and 11. My friends knew all about my stories. My grandmother read them. And reviewed. I have since learned to hide my fandom involvement away, since I'm fairly sure my grandmother would still read my fic, and I have no desire to explain my all-consuming emotional attachment to several sibling!cest ships. These are things my family does not need to know.

o11. A small fandom that you would recommend I get involved in (because I'm lazy like that...!!)

I'm something of a fandom monogamist - I get super involved in one fandom and can think of little else. So I can't promise any other fandom-land would be a nice place to be. But in terms of shows you should watch, Doctor Who, Downton Abbey, and Skins are all very close to my heart. Basically, I love British TV (and the seasons are shorter, so you can catch up quickly if you're inclined to be lazy.).

So that's me. Feel free to take up these questions. I suspect I might be supposed to make up my own for the next round, but I am not that creative, and I'd rather see you all suffer from the book question along with me. Enjoy.

things that aren't tvd, counting the hours on a thursday, meme!

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