There and Back Again

Jan 05, 2012 22:50

I'm home! After 2 and a half weeks of traveling, I'm back, and I have SO MUCH to catch up on. Seriously. There's this whole uproar about the new comments section, there are some fics and fanmixes, I have CHRISTMAS SPECIALS to watch, some memes I simply must get in on, and most importantly, THERE WAS A NEW EPISODE OF TVD TONIGHT!!! I think I am far too jetlagged to watch it now, which means I shall have to avoid the internet tomorrow (because I refuse to watch TVD unless it's dark outside. Is that weird? Probably.). But I missed you all! I am eager to get back into fandom - there is TVD flailing to be done!

Hope you all had fantastic holidays. How is 2012 treating you so far?

UPDATE OK THINGS HAVE CHANGED. I saw a slight spoiler for, well, you all know what, and since my jetlag has left me unexpectedly wired I caved and just watched the episode. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO DO. I'm a bit annoyed at myself for getting spoiled, but I'm also sort of thrilled about the episode for all sorts of reasons? EVERYONE TALK TO ME SO I CAN FIGURE OUT HOW I FEEL. 
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