Aloha, amigos (huzzah mixing languages!). Summer has unofficially begun, and I think it's about time for some fun. I've had a crazy few weeks of organizing and festivities and holidays. I just got back from a brief but eventful trip which included my birthday, visiting friends I hadn't seen in ages, and, most importantly, no internet access. So
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Ah, the eternal Sawyer/Kate vs. Sawyer/Juliet debate. I wanted so badly to ship the latter, because I recognized how good it was for both of them, but I had spent too much time OMG OTP-ing Kate/Sawyer, and i have an unfortunate tendency to be a forever shipper. Once I truly OTP a ship, I can never shake them. Seriously, never. It's a sickness.
I'm with you on TVD. I find Damon much more shippable than Elena, curiously, but that's probably because he's had better partners. Whereas Elena's options, just. No. Matt? Lol, no. Stefan? LOL GOD NO. It's not that I want Elena to be with Damon or no one ever. It's just that at this point in the show, I really can't see Elena being happy with anyone else. And Elena's happiness is kind of important to me, especially in terms of shipping?
I could have shipped Elijah/Katherine until this season, when they became unshippable to me (not casting judgment on you, my dear - the show just hit a few of my triggers with them). I also have such a fascination with Katherine and the Salvatores that I don't think I'll ever be able to fully ship Katherine with anyone but them. Stefan has a bit more leeway, shipping-wise. Basically, I could be convinced to ship Stefan with anyone who isn't Elena. Give me this, show. We were on the right track...until Stefan got locked in a refrigerator and dropped to the bottom of the quarry. Lol. Oh well.
P.S. Thank you!
You are right that Damon has had much more interesting potential partner choices than Elena--so I suppose, if someone showed up who could make me even consider Elena elsewhere, that would be quite a coup. One I doubt will ever happen, but it's worth imagining. But yes, how will Elena ever be happy unless there is someone around to remind her to revel from time to time? She NEEDS Damon. Badly. :D
Dying. Of lolz.
Yeah, I talk a good talk about Elena and potential partners, but honestly, I just don't see it happening. Elena's the sort of person who requires a strong connection to her past, especially her human past, and there are a select few people who can serve as that link. And since I've already ruled out Matt and Stefan (I HAVE THAT POWER TROLOLOL), Damon is pretty much it. Obviously there are a whole host of other reasons why he's perfectly right for her, but that's one of the things that puts them in OTP Forever status. I don't usually believe that there's just one person for everyone, but somehow on TVD, that kind of becomes the case?
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