Come and dance with me, bitter sweet fool

Feb 17, 2013 13:22

I'm not actually calling any of you fools. I just have the song in my head. Probably should have started a post like this some other way. Alas. Too late ( Read more... )

talk to me i require entertainment, flist love, sometimes i do things i don't have to do

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Comments 11

vergoldung February 17 2013, 21:52:23 UTC
Hahaha, I was so hoping you'd do one of these!

So yes, hi, I'm your most dedicated stalker. Except that I fail at el jay so hard lately that it feels weird to leave monster-comments on entries that are weeks old (because sooner or later, I always do read them), especially considering that we have only talked once (? I think). And also awkward in capital letters, because I've been eating up your words for almost a year and it feels like you are an old aquaintance when in reality you dunno me [insert peppy kpop gif]. But yeah, your thoughts are most wise plus entertaining, which is forever the best combo.

Alrightie, I can do this. Yup, stepping out of the lurk-land and waving at you!


dante_kent March 10 2013, 00:19:39 UTC

Talk about failing at LJ. I don't even know what happens to me that it takes me weeks or months to respond to things, but suffice it to say, I do not judge on late comments. And we may have only talked once, but I still love that review you left on my Brothership fic, so you left quite an impression.

You are too nice to me. Thank you for all the compliments! Welcome to...non-lurk land? We'll come up with a better title later.


vergoldung March 13 2013, 01:49:01 UTC

Yes, let's find a better title inded. (How about, hi, Alex kindly invited me to jam with you, please adopt me *sheepish smile*)


dante_kent March 14 2013, 00:01:36 UTC
Of course I remember! And Alex is my fandom matchmaker. CONSIDER YOURSELF ADOPTED.


bogwitch February 17 2013, 23:54:03 UTC
I suppose I'd better admit it, I have been lurking too; mainly because I rarely have anything to say. I have nearly commented once or twice, but I didn't feel quite right swooping out of the ether to butt in.

I do love my Track feature!


dante_kent March 10 2013, 00:21:41 UTC
Hello and welcome! Never hesitate to leave random comments whenever the urge strikes you, no matter how out of the blue you think it might be. But no pressure, obviously. I've silently lurked for most of my fandom lifetime.

What is the track feature? I am terrible at the internet.


(The comment has been removed)

Re: Hi! dante_kent March 10 2013, 00:23:06 UTC

I absolutely do the same. I check my flist fairly consistently, but always when I'm in the car at a stoplight or something. So I am more than familiar with reading more than interacting. Tra la la indeed.


linsell_farm February 20 2013, 03:20:46 UTC
I feel like I qualify as a lurker since I've commented once (maybe twice) in the over a year that I've been stalking your wonderful journal.

I love reading your recaps as a whole bunch of what you say is how I feel (but lack your talent for expressing it). I know about being too busy to comment but also this season I've been struggling crazy, extremist fangirl thoughts that I didn't figure anyone would want to hear.

*goes back to lurking* ... at least until I'm in a better place from which to form my thoughts. ;)


dante_kent March 10 2013, 00:25:52 UTC
Nah, but I know you! But by all means, lurk away.

You're too nice to me. Thank you for the kind words about my recaps! I miss doing the full recaps, but I simply don't have the time right now. I'm curious about your crazy extremist fangirl thoughts! This season has certainly been a source of constant fandom conflict, and I'm always down for hearing what other people have been thinking about all the curve balls thrown at us lately. Take your time, though. I'll be around!


A lurker edging out of the shadows... fairwinds09 April 2 2013, 01:01:34 UTC
I think I may have posted once or twice before, but I have been lurking on your LJ for a while now. I absolutely LOVE your recaps--so much fun to read. :) Please keep writing them if you can. They have totally become part of my weekly TVD routine. First the show, then TWOP, badboy_fangirl, and you. I'm an enormous TVD fan, and I'm so glad you are too!!

P.S. Let's keep the D/E love going for all time, yes?!


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