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eowyn_315 January 18 2013, 18:16:51 UTC
LOL I NOTICED YOU WERE GONE. Mostly b/c Alex is always complaining how no one's around to chat anymore and it makes me feel unloved b/c HELLO I am around, but w/e. Your absence HAS BEEN NOTED.

You know what I did NOT love? The new previously's in which her motivation was explained as "to be human and *in love.*" Ugh. I don't know why it tweaked me.

Ugh, yes. Maybe it tweaked you because IT MAKES NO SENSE? Like, okay, I get that that was her original motivation however many centuries ago when she was in love w/ the vampire hunter dude. But now? Who does she want to be human for? Matt effing Donovan??? (Excuse me while I cackle hysterically.)

Rebekah said that Stefan would take the cure *for* Elena, like it was a sacrifice, and Elena looked at him like that was some grand romantic gesture

LOL! I interpreted Elena's reaction as more of an awkward "WTF WE HAVE NOT TALKED ABOUT THIS DOES THIS MEAN I HAVE TO MARRY YOU?" thing, not so much "ooooh he wants to be ~human for me *swoon*" Personally, I think Elena wants to become human to break the sire bond, and then immediately get vamped again so she can bang Damon for all eternity without her judgment being called into question.

How RIDICULOUSLY satisfying was it to hear Elen finally e honest with Stefan about the way he's basically emotionally pressured her into feeling wrong. I will never not love the way she phrased it. Feeling like "a project" and "a broken toy that needed to be fixed."


To Damon, killing doesn't indiscriminately make you good or bad. But it is hard for Elena to shake her very human logic that killing = bad, and as much progress as she's made in the last few seasons, it will be very difficult for her to deal with not only Damon's actions, but also with his lack of remorse.

Yep. Although I do think Elena has quite a bit of pragmatist in her, as well. She protects the people she loves, first and foremost, and she doesn't care who has to die when it's for one of them. If she were in Damon's place, and she were doing it for, say, Jeremy, she wouldn't bat an eye at mass slaughter.

She's less okay with people dying for HER, though, so she's sure to feel guilty because Damon's only looking for the cure to help her break the sire bond. A LOT of people have needed to die in order to find this cure, and I'm sure a lot more are still to come, and at some point Elena will have to decide whether it's worth that many innocent lives.

Lol, Bonnie has a dad. Who's a "traveling pharmaceutical salesman." Which accounts for his total absence for four years. Sure. Ok. Right.



dante_kent January 25 2013, 00:09:45 UTC
BLESS YOU, E. Your memory of my existence is probably what's keeping me existing in the first place. As long as one human remembers me, I shall live on.

and it makes me feel unloved b/c HELLO I am around


Who does she want to be human for? Matt effing Donovan???

LOLLLLLLLLLLL. But word. That's the thing - this description seemed so diminishing and condescending. Like Rebekah is just this silly girl who only wants to be loved and doesn't see a reason for living beyond that. Like, come on. Lady is badass and wonderful and strong as fuck. Don't try and make her into a damsel waiting for her prince to come rescue her.

Oh lord. Imagining Matt trying to ride a white steed now. He looks so happy.

I interpreted Elena's reaction as more of an awkward "WTF WE HAVE NOT TALKED ABOUT THIS DOES THIS MEAN I HAVE TO MARRY YOU?" thing

LOL. I like your interpretation better. And you're probably right. I'm the first to admit that I'm oversensitive to S/E at this point.

Personally, I think Elena wants to become human to break the sire bond, and then immediately get vamped again so she can bang Damon for all eternity without her judgment being called into question.

It is the only way, basically. Elena can do what she wants. You bitches can walk home.

She protects the people she loves, first and foremost, and she doesn't care who has to die when it's for one of them...She's less okay with people dying for HER, though, so she's sure to feel guilty because Damon's only looking for the cure to help her break the sire bond.

Yeah, this. I agree with you in that Elena is a pragmatist as well, but she's only comfortable about mass murder if it's to save someone else. She's not against making the morally dubious calls, but she is still fundamentally uncomfortable with being the reason for it. However, Damon's #1 reason for murder has been and probably always will be to save Elena, so there's a basic clash there. Lol these two. Just bone and ignore all your problems. #healthy solution

You shake your head, Elena. She agrees with the amusingness of the Bonnie father situation. She knows.


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