Why I should never go away for the weekend

Mar 12, 2012 01:15

I've been gone for two nights, so how is it that I have missed SO much? Since we've clearly established that Fandom > real life, I am quite put out by my frequent absences of late. So let's talk about what's been going on.

1. So Paleyfest happened this weekend (well, the TVD panel happened, and let's be real, that's all I really care about). My ( Read more... )

wtf hiatus why are you here?, lj is my life now, flist love, real life is inconvenient, the vampire diaries, damon/rebekah is actually a thing now, caroline forbes, this show owns my heart

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dante_kent March 12 2012, 10:48:11 UTC
Seriously, fandom is a fast moving world. Unless I'm sitting at home with nothing to do, and then somehow no one's around.

Go youtube the panel right now. You will die. Ian and Paul are actually the cutest things that have ever happened. Every time I see Paul in an interview I wish the show would just let him adlib everything. Paul > Stefan (and I love Stefan, I do, but Paul is THE BEST). Ian and Nina are fucking absurd. All of these people, really. It's too much for me to handle. COME WITH ME NEXT YEAR. My house is at your service. Having someone else to fangirl with me will help me feel not so weird.

GO SANSA GO. I am stanning Sansa hardcore. I'm sort of putting all my hopes on her, since she seems to be the only one of my girls who really has a chance of going far. I'm sorry about Dean! I can't believe how close that race was. I also can't believe how many people like Snow. I can't stand her, personally.

HP is too big for FMM. It just has no place in it. I will choose Harry Potter over everything. I will always choose Harry Potter.

I AM SO EXCITED FOR TVD. I guess a lot of people have been losing love for it, but I am in no way in danger of that. I still love this show to bits. Yes, it has its issues of late, but it's still glorious and wonderful and I can't wait for new episodes. And YES THE TORTURE SNARK. I've watched that werewolf torture scene so many times because Damon is so hilariously irreverent in it. Love that boy.

I VOTED. One more vote for our girl. Bit by bit.


catteo March 12 2012, 10:51:08 UTC
I may return to be more coherent about this later but I am FLAPPING SO HARD! How do these people EVEN EXIST?! I watched the first 30 seconds of Ian and Nina and I was LITERALLY GIDDY WITH THE LOOKS AND THE FACES AND THE UNSPOKEN WORDS. And Paul/Ian are HI-LARIOUS. BROTHERS INDEED. I think that Matt Davis is high. I AM SO SMILEY RIGHT NOW.


dante_kent March 12 2012, 10:56:52 UTC
Ooh, did you find the very beginning? The video I found cut off the start of it. I NEED MORE NIAN. But seriously, all these people. It physically hurts me how adorable they are. I can't. cope. KEEP UP THE FLAILING.


catteo March 12 2012, 11:01:22 UTC
It is mostly insane fangirl screaming. I CAN DO THAT!

But then it's probably the one you've seen


dante_kent March 12 2012, 11:07:45 UTC
You take care of me. ♥

Though the video I found, though labeled Part 1, starts in the middle of Nina saying something about Rebekah, like, literally mid-line. I have no idea how far into it all the video picks up. But what can you do.


catteo March 12 2012, 11:10:57 UTC
That seems to be where they all start. I get the impression that all you have missed is a question about the originals though. And it's worth it FOR FACE REASONS.


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