EGL for those who like it, I like to look at it XD

Aug 14, 2009 13:00

So I have a scoop for those of you that have not heard, note I am using the word "they" cause i dont know who put it putting it. So They are putting an EGL store in San Francisco and by what I hear it's the largest of it kind in the US.

So yes Japan is putting a store in SF and it's EGL exited I know I am =P I am starting to sound like a dirty old man ok so the scoop is this.

the name of this store is "Baby the stars shine bright" snazzy it like what I would say to a girl if I was hitting on her, which I would lol. HAHAHAHA this store amuses me =).

I will go to it cause I am going to go watch Punyo on Sunday and I will take pictures and make a report on what they have. I know they wont just have EGL they will have many things hey this might be a good store for all you girls that are looking for accessories for cosplay they will have a shit load.

I gotta check it out now, oh and if you want to work there here is some info I know I cant work there I am not a girl lol and I am not the pretty's guy out there lol. or Asian T_T//// I hate being the race I am oh well XD I don't care.

I would be annoyed in the first week with people who don't know were to look for stuff.

Oh yes for those of you that have computer problems I am a computer repair Guy I dont think I ever said what I do for work I do good deals =) XD. Call me at 408-665 5878 for an appointment.

I like the shoes.

Dont worries guys I have you covered too, EGL has a brother and it's AGL lol they might have it there too since it a fashion store it cant be all girl place right XD

so this same store but in Paris, el lugar mas romantico y bonito en el mundo (maybe), fo shoo lol.
Paris stuff

So I am done ranting for now now do a domino effect pass this info on I wanna see how many people get into this lol. love Dante.
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