Feeling kinda sick Fun Horoscope to see XD under Cut

Sep 20, 2006 20:17

I feel sick and fiberish~ I think I am sick and I will wake up coughing my lungs out =P, and I will saty home from work and get better cause I will do more harm than good at work =O.

Nothing really amazeing going on with me, just wish Yaoi Con would get here alredy =P, I got My room reserved and well.  I am staying in the Clarion XD never stayed there =D thank god it's a nonsmokeing room I can stad the ones that have that cigaret smell XP.

Oh i have been sow bussy my work has been working my like a dog =O, I sow far been working for almost 18 days withought a day off XO, and I am only gething one day off this week on SUN =P wish it was two thought then I can plan some more fun stuff =D.  Oh had great sushie yesturday till i was stuffed XD, going to eat sushie again this weekend XD cant wait, oh and *die sickness~ your evil* you make me sad =P.

Aries are born between March 20th and April 20th
Aries is a Fire sign.

You are a strong lover, sometimes tactless when dealing with problems in your relationship, therefore you will need to be with a strong person who can take what you give and give it right back. You are an innovater always thinking outside the box. You always strive hard to be number one and have a very competitive nature. Your enthusiasm and competitivenes bring great success. As a friend, you are a 'what you see is what you get' kind of person.

Taurus are born between April 20th and May 21st
Taurus is an Earth sign.

You have a practical and loving nature that is down to earth. People find themselves drawn to your personality. You are extremely loyal in relationships, you find a partner that suits your lifestyle and love of nature and all things of the Earth. You like to spend your time imparting onto others your knowledge and kind nature. You do well in investments, both financially and emotionally.

Gemini are born between May 21st and June 21st
Gemini is an Air sign.

There are two sides to your personality, as indicated by the twins of gemini. You are an excellent communicator, being clever with words and always able to get your point across eloquently. You are an independant being, you do not like to rely on others for happiness or wellbeing and you are always changing because you find that you bore of things and situations easilly.

Cancer are born between June 21st and July 22nd
Cancer is a Water sign.

You are a strongly career minded person, and this can sometimes get in the way of relationships if your partner is not dedicated. On the interpersonal side, you show a lot of compassion and people will come to you with their problems as they recognise that you feel deeply the needs of others. You are a sensitive nurturer and make a great parent.

Leo are born between July 22nd and August 23rd
Leo is a Fire sign.

You are an extrovert. You love to be dramatic and play to an audience. You are only truly happy when the attention is on you! You are a born leader and thrive on recognition for your accomplishments. You are sometimes arrogant and lack tact. Your charm helps you in social situations and you are in your element when addressing a small social group. Leos tend to be a little self important and need to consider the wishes and feelings of others in social situations.

Virgo are born between August 23rd and September 22nd
Virgo is an Earth sign.

Your need to have perfection in your life can often push people away from you, you need to have things in order and can get upset and frustrated if situations and circumstances go against your favour. Being highly organised can play in your favour and you may find that technical and highly challenging jobs are most satisfactory for you. Choosing a challenging career will also help your analytical side from being thrown to the way side. You value cleanliness in your life and hate relationships and personal issues becoming messy and disruptive.

Libra are born between September 23rd and October 23rd
Libra is an Air sign.

You are a charmer, always a popular addition to any social situation, you enjoy meeting new people and getting to know them. You are also good at settling disagreements between others. You have a gift of tact in that you know when you are about to put your foot in your mouth, and you withdraw. You are highly relationship oriented, and you like to have a lot to do with people as opposed to a little. Arty persuits make you happy.

Scorpio are born between October 23rd and November 22nd
Scorpio is a Water sign.

You have an undying loyalty to family and friends that sees you through troubled times. Although this can sometimes lead to emotional relationships, your inner strength will ensure that you pull through any troubles that come your way. Success is your driving force, this with willpower and a passion for all that life has for you will see you reach your goals.

Scorpio are born between October 23rd and November 22nd
Scorpio is a Water sign.

You have an undying loyalty to family and friends that sees you through troubled times. Although this can sometimes lead to emotional relationships, your inner strength will ensure that you pull through any troubles that come your way. Success is your driving force, this with willpower and a passion for all that life has for you will see you reach your goals.

Sagittarius are born between Novemeber 22nd and December 21st
Sagittarius is a Fire sign.

Honesty is the key to your happiness although it can make you seem at times some what insensitive. Your keen sense of adventure will ensure that your life is never dull and you prefer to live life on the edge, travel plans are never far off as you venture into new and daring pursuits. You can sometimes be cinical and try to analyise things too much but sometimes you should just let life be. You also have a philosophical side that comes out during even the most heated discussions.

Capricorn are born between December 21st and January 20th
Capricorn is an Earth sign.

You love to be at the top of the heap. You are always striving to be number one in everything you do, and you are focussed on your goals. You will take it one step at at time until you get to the top. These attributes man you make a great business person, as you have the tenacity to succeed. You are an admirer of the arts, you enjoy music, art, and theatre.

Aquarius are born between Janaury 20th and February 19th
Aquarius is an Air sign.

You are an intuitive person who's intuition always serves you well. An inventive soul. you strive to make the world a better place. You are a true humanitarian and have lots of friends who are attracted to your individualism. You like to be different and sometimes this means others find you a tad strange.

Pisces are born between February 19th and March 20th
Pisces is a Water sign.

Yours is a personality which is a combination of all the zodiac. You may be gifted musically or artisticly, and creativeness is inherent in you. You are a great empathiser, always knowing how someone else is feeling. This makes you a good councellor and a sensitive lover. You enjoy solitude occasionally and like to get away from it all and be along in order to regain your senses.
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