Aug 20, 2004 00:07
that was the word of the day today, say it with me
here is how i heard it . . ,
i had some cat from northeast PA (scranton to be exact) sit in my chair this morning and ask me to cut off most of his hair, he hadnt cut it in almost 3 months, the last time it had been at Alta Moda when he had been in town last, and according to him i quote, every hairdresser in scranton made him look like a republican, and he was far from, anyways 45 minutes later, i am done with him, i hand him the mirror so he can have a look at his new do, and he says "i likeee likee, you have faggotized me"
and with a cocked eyebrow i replied, "it takes more than a hairdo to make one a fag, darling", what else can one say to a comment like that without crossing the crass line? um, buggary?
so yeah that was my first client of the day, and that set the pace . . . . .
this weekend, i will be with the TIGI art team cutting hair on stage, at the premiere show in the convention center in orlando, accomodations for 2 nites courtesy of TIGI at the Peabody Hotel, great times to be had i say
12 years ago i saw the team for the first time in dallas,