Last vacation day cometh!

Jan 02, 2012 23:03

I sit here, writing this blog during the very last moments of my vacation.  Work begins anew for 2012 tomorrow and I am optimistic for a change.  I know generally how tomorrow will go: a huge backlog of emails, followed by confirming travel plans and expectations for my trip to Nebraska tomorrow night, and with any luck at all I can actually get some work done for the back half of the day.

I am looking forward to a routine again.  I am looking forward to a fresh year, hopefully full of optimism.  I have been thinking about my 2012 goals and resolutions and I think I’m going to change the format a bit.  We’ll talk more about that tomorrow.

For now, I need to get a few things done around the house and then head to bed so I’m less of zombie tomorrow!
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