Today’s ukulele progress report is pretty straightforward: it’s finishing time! I got some help with this one, my buddy Paul donated a Vox amp box to help me create the most rocking paint booth ever! Tasha helped me rig up the box, a coat hanger, and a shower curtain to protect the ukulele from errant dust and debris and I am pleased to report that the first coat went off without a hitch!
I decided to let it dry overnight, so this morning I woke up early and checked it out. There were a few spots where the finish had bled over the edges causing some pooling, but some high grit sandpaper and a little elbow grease evened it out prior to the second coat. Right now the second coat is drying, I am anticipating more sanding before the third coat. Depending on how the third coat turns out, I will decide whether or not a fourth coat is warranted.
I am hoping to get at least the third coat put on today, but that will depend largely on what my houseguests want to do for entertainment during the afternoon. More progress soon!