I've been thinking a lot about next year and how different things are going to be as a full-fledged adult.
I made a somewhat useful
401k calculator to help me think about how much I should invest. Apparently if I start saving now, saving $6,500/yr is all it really takes to retire comfortably with conservative estimates.
I also spent way too much time reading about
polyamory today, where people have multiple romantic relationships at the same time. It's definitely not for me, but I still find it interesting. It took me a little while to open my mind up to the possibility, since it seems so unnatural -- but such a thing does seem reasonable for someone without monogamous instincts.
In a sense, polyamorous relationships are like monogamous relationships in "hard mode", and the advice for how to do it right seems extremely relevant for monogamous relationships. For example,
Building Tools for Communication, and just about every other article on the site, is worth your time.