Sep 09, 2005 23:15

Most important feature of an ideal job: creativity and originality.

In national sample, lowest in reporting stress associated with "School" and "Caring for aging parents."

In national sample, lowest in coping with stress by "Watching TV."

In national sample, ranked highest in saying "No" to belief in a higher spiritual power.

In national sample "Leisure Activities," overrepresented in "Taking classes, going to school," "Appreciating art," "Playing with computers or video games," and "Working out/exercising"; underrepresented in "Watching TV 3 or more hours per day."

Academic subjects preferred: science.

Highest GPA among college persisters.

In national sample, among types with highest income

Among the 3 male types overrepresented among substance abusers.

Strange that a national sample of people with my personality type describes me better than I can describe myself.
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