Oct 03, 2010 14:49
describe your sexuality.
Thats a very very good question. Well, I’ve always thought girls were attractive, but I never thought in a million years I would date one. Well, that all changed this past January when I met a girl who completely changed my life. I loved her. I’d never ever felt that way about anyone in life, EVER. Boy or girl. She said she loved me too and we dated for 7 months. Then this past August she says she’s “just not gay.” It broke my heart. What were the last 7 months then? A lie? A game? *sigh* Anyway, since then I decided that, it’s okay to come out and you know what? You DO like girls like that, Kaylin(me). Plus boys are pissing me off even more as of late. LOL. SO, since then I’ve embraced the fact that I LOVE girls, I like how soft they are, how they smell, how they understand and feel what I understand and feel. When I was a kid and played games with my sisters and cousins, like, Lion King, or play Aladdin, or House..I’d always want to be the boy. My sister hated it. lol. But now it explains a lot. I mean sure, sometimes I think about being held by a nice guy who calls me beautiful and protects me and what not, but I also like the idea of being the boy for someone, although I’m not so ‘butch’ as one would call all the time. I am kinda right now because my hair is short. Lol. But, like I said, as I embraced myself a little more this summer, I found a definition that sounds about right to describe my sexuality.
Pansexuality (also referred to as omnisexuality)[1] is a sexual orientation,[citation needed] characterized by the potential for aesthetic attraction,romantic love, or sexual desire towards people, regardless of their gender identity or biological sex.
I thought that was pretty accurate. I fall in love with the PERSON. Not whether they have a penis or a vagina. <3 I hope that was a good answer. It felt good to kinda vent for me too =’] Thank you for asking