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Apr 13, 2011 10:17

Did I like.. drink with anyone this weekend? Or toke up? Anyone else have weird ass dreams?

Well, whatever this is, I gotta get this shit out of my system or else I'll have the plane ride from hell to København. I had these really strange dreams.. I think I was Cloud Strife. And Valdi was Tifa. Maybe I drank a lot of akvavit and just don't remember..? Whatever I did, my head is killing me. I think I'll just pack down with Valdi after I do a McDonald's run for him.

Also really got to get my ass in gear on some.. baking. Yeah, baking. That thing. I.. well, I have no idea what these things are supposed to taste like, unfortunately. Just kinda pissing into the wind.

I need people to taste test this shit, I have no clue what I'm doing or if I'm doing it rig
Well, I could let Wilm try it! He's Dutch! B-But it's for his party, it might ruin the surpr
... Søren's a good garbage disposal.

Fuck, I gotta start packing, too. Sunday is coming up quick. And I guess I should get used to being called Claus again. It get's harder each year to hear, though. Sandsynligvis fordi det er fars navn så godt.

[Text] Sent at 10:13 AM
To: Søren bo-børen
From: Kai

Hey bro, we need to pack some shit tonight. And I need a cake taste tester.


[Text] Sent at 10:16 AM
To: Marcello m'fellow
From: Kai

I'm working on the desserts this week! Would you mind tasting a few for me?

kai the fantasy hero, post type: text message, and first: dessert!, secret things are secret, marcello, home again, caution: kai at work, søren

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