Glad kanelbolle dag!

Oct 04, 2010 19:36

Those Swedes have some good idea sometimes it turns out :Dc Today is National Cinnamon Bun day in Sweden! And-- well ja, I'm Danish, but uh. Free excuse for cinnamon buns? Really?


You better fucking believe I am damn well satisfied and have eaten like, 12 goddamn cinnamon buns already today. I'll be crying in pain later but OH GOD SO GOOD.

I'll take a picture later of all the cinnamon buns we made! Still got a few left for when my darling gets off work.. He better fucking appreciate them, I got lost getting the fucking yeast 8I Also the chairtergeist is back. I'm.. staying in the kitchen.


((OOC: ... 8Dc Today is actually National Cinnamon Bun Day in Sweden. Go eat yourselves a cinnamon bun or five. ♥))

and first: dessert!, guy love between two danes, the chair from satan, i'll get you chairtergeist, jeg er dansk goddamnit, danish journal attack, nah nah can't be, caution: kai at work, absolutely nothing, please tell me they have daim here, for min elskede

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