[Blog] Need a crash place? Or want a roommate? Look no further.

Apr 22, 2011 08:47

Dette er så svært at sige..

Søren has decided to stay in Denmark. His mom is real bad off, so.. He's doing the responsible thing by staying and helping her out. He says he's sorry to anyone who couldn't properly tell goodbye; that maybe in a couple months he'll come visit and check up on me things in good ol' Liberty. But ( Read more... )

hello is this an asskicking?, okay panic a lot, nah nah can't be, real goddamn life, down a dane

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Comments 37

noquieromorir April 22 2011, 13:30:34 UTC
Aye, mijo.
Mira, I'll come check out the apartment to, porque I need it-
pero if you need any help with anything regardless, let me know.

Sorry, bro.


danskannabis April 22 2011, 13:40:24 UTC
Hey bro, ain't nothin', yeah? He's gotta do what he's gotta do, and if this is it..

Well. He's my brother, and I want what's best for him and his mom. I know he loves me and has my back.

You're definitely number one on my candidate list for the roommate position. We still on for Thursday morning?

Shoot me an email to danskannabis@lolocracy.com and I'll send you pictures of the apartment and floorplan when I'm back at a computer. Using mobile internet right now.


noquieromorir April 22 2011, 13:46:37 UTC
No problem. I hope things go well for him..
and for you, bro.
Yeah, Thursday morning's fine, don't worry. Whatever's convenient for you.


danskannabis April 22 2011, 13:54:47 UTC
Thursday morning then, my man. Bring some samples of your art too, yeah? I'd love to see the wicked things you're doin'. I'll see if I can't dig up my portfolio too and we can collab a little.

((OOC: Me, you, thread date next week, my darlin'~? ♥ Although I might be sporadic in replying since I am for real moving into a new apartment next weekend XDD))


[strikes deleted] ketchupkaper April 22 2011, 13:43:21 UTC
I think I understand why everyone has been so quiet lately. I'm so sorry Kai. If there's anyway I can help, just name it. You have my number right? Call me anytime.

And..I don't really like living alone either. I had plans to have a friend my girlfriend a friend stay with me, but it...didn't work out. If you don't mind cats, my door's always open okay? I'm not sure if I could break my lease to move out.


[strikes deleted] danskannabis April 22 2011, 13:49:20 UTC
Tusind tak, Marcello. I might hit you up on that when I get to Copenhagen tomorrow night. We got some.. ... family things goin' on right now, but Søren is making the trip to Copenhagen with me so maybe you could talk to him too if you wanted.

I'm back in town Sunday afternoon, so.. maybe one day next week we could hang out? Going to skip class I think in favor of just trying to get the fuck over everything that's happened.

And I'll definitely hit you up on that.. I don't know how much I want to be in the apartment until I've got a roommate in. I really don't want to live there anymore, I don't want the reminders.

Why did I even leave Denmark in the first place?


ketchupkaper April 22 2011, 14:02:21 UTC
Spend the night as many times as you want! It'll be nice that we can keep each other company. And hey, let's do something fun at some point. Have you ever gone to that Seapony Ranch place? Peter used to work there... Anyway, it'll be my treat!

And I can talk to him if he wants, but... well, you know.. we don't know each other all that well. We only just started working together recently and stuff. But let him know that I hope he's okay and that I'm wishing him good luck.


danskannabis April 22 2011, 14:05:46 UTC
You are definitely welcome to do the same at my place. Maybe we could have movie marathons, yeah? Or hell, we did such a damn good job with Willem's party, maybe.. maybe we could start throwin' apartment parties, or do party planning or somethin'.

And I haven't! He told me about it when I first moved over, and that maybe he'd give me a job working there. I'd love to go, though!

It might do him some good to talk to someone from Liberty. We're meeting up with his our? our dad today, which never.. flies too well. I think I might get him toked up tomorrow night or something.


[screened to Kai] hergelaufene April 22 2011, 16:24:35 UTC
I just lost my roomie too so if you need somewhere to stay...


[screened to Gilbert] I-I LOVE YOU MISTER BOSS MAN OH GOD danskannabis April 22 2011, 16:29:13 UTC
.... Really? You mean that?


[Screened to Gilbert, 2 of 2] danskannabis April 22 2011, 16:37:37 UTC
I-I know this is super forward of me, bro, but.. I think I might be down with living with you. Just got another guy on a string who is also looking. Would you have a space for him, too? He's an artistic type, I think you might like 'im a lot.

I just..

..I don't think I can live in that apartment anymore, as much as I want to. But I also don't want to give him some false sense of security that he may get in.

I fucking just don't know what to do..


[screened to Kai] hergelaufene April 22 2011, 17:33:06 UTC
He'll have to convert the office into a bedroom but... It could work. We also have three cats apparently. So.

And I get it, I just need someone to come fill the empty rooms, it's... lonely.


salylimon April 22 2011, 18:04:55 UTC
Oh, Kai...

If you don't want to be home alone until you find a roommate/new place to stay, you're more than welcome to crash with me and John (and Jared and Kimi by default, of course).


danskannabis April 25 2011, 01:12:59 UTC
I'll take you up on that one night this week. Just now getting back stateside.

And if you want a drinking buddy I am more than game, skat. ♥ Saw things weren't lookin' much better from your side either.


salylimon April 25 2011, 05:06:52 UTC
Just let me know when you're free and I'll make sure to make room to hang out, querido. ♥

And I could use a drink or two, yes. Just need to relax after a bad week, I think.


danskannabis April 25 2011, 12:37:57 UTC
Ahh, I always got time for you. Wanna let's say tomorrow night?


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