What to do with my life?

Nov 15, 2004 18:34

I have an appointment with Dr. Green tomorrow to discuss changing my major. I've been so unhappy lately because I feel like no matter what I do, I'm somehow making the wrong decision. I mean I love music, but I just don't know how much more of this I can take. I seriously feel like crying after every Frosh class, and it's just like...is this really worth it? And at the same time a part of me feels like this is what I'm SUPPOSED to do and I'll be letting so many people down if I don't. I wish I could not be so artsy sometimes, because then it would be so much more simple to find a sensible major and career.

If I were to switch to theatre, I've heard that I need to do it at the semester so I won't be so far behind. And while I've considered getting out of music at the semester, I don't know if I'm ready to immerse myself completely into a whole new major. I'm so confused, and I just feel so worthless. It's like I want so much for music to be right for me, and at the same time, can I last 4 or 5 years? *Sigh*
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