Yesterday, when I was going by tram, I've seen an old man standing at the pedestrian crossing. He was blind, with a stick, and when the green light accompanied by that specific sound for people with eyesight problems was on, he began crossing the street - step by step, slowly... At one point he nearly felt down not able to "notice" with his stick a pavement border. By that time the light changed to red for pedestrians, and the car drivers were impatiently waiting for the man to finally finish crossing the road; you could nearly see how the machines were shifting from one wheel to another due to impatience, and nearly hear the drivers grumbling at lack of time. He probably knew it, as he really was trying to move fast.
Few moments later a very handsome guy entered the tram: tall, with dark hair and dark eyes, unusually handsome for the Northern landscape. All the young ladies sitting in the tram immediately turned their heads/eyes towards him in a tricky manner peculiar to the girls here, a kind of "don't think I'm looking at you, I'm actually not, I hadn't even noticed you at all, but yes, you're very handsome". I don't know what they were thinking of at that moment, but I can tell what I was thinking of. I thought that just in comparatively short period of time (well, it may take several decades, but on a global scale it's just a moment) he would turn into a same old man with many memories (may they be good!) and almost nothing ahead (as it usualy happens), and may God grant him more health than to the one recently standing at a crossing... I just felt sorry for him.
Reading at the moment: - Mr. Jason Mraz writes not only excellent songs, but also great blogs (highly recommended by me :) ); this one just corresponds to my mood.
Listening at the moment: "looost in a summer daaay..." when "pain is gone, but you can't go on..." or can? (c) Brazzaville - L.A.River Lady.
P.S. Saw a good person in a dream today... Saw that this person is smiling and relaxed. It made me feel happy. Though my mood is jumping from one cliff to another - it's not good...
Love to all!