Aaaaahhh so gooood!
I...really, really loved this episode. Really. Mostly because I am so so so so so in love with John Winchester. SO MUCH AUGH.
Also! Castiel likes Sam! I feel like that's a huge "fuck you" to fandom somehow. Mostly the Dean/Castiel fandom, which has a hate-on for Sam. Can I love them all, please? Can I love every single fucking thing about this show, or is that illegal?
Um um um um um. MICHAEL. kDFHkjhdgfjzhfgkjhkdfgxjhkjxfgh. I loooved him. When he possessed John I literally threw up my hands and screamed "Holy shit holy shit holy shit!" at my TV screen. This is...the only show that makes me do that. Oh, show.
...I reeeeeaaallly want some Michael/Lucifer scenes. I know they probably would only happen if Sam and Dean say yes, which I really don't want to happen because they're Sam and Dean, but I also....♥
...I dunno, man. I just. LOVE.