
Feb 03, 2010 23:46

~ My best friend moved in with me recently. His parents are moving to Indiana to take care of his grandparents, and he'd prefer to be here. He does have a place to stay in the community his parents worked and lived in (a Camp Hill, if anyone is interested), but he'd prefer to be here. And really I don't blame him - my house is awesome.
I do have to wonder why five-years-ago me would think of this, though. "Hey, you know that guy you were bullied into having a crush on? Well, in five years he'll be your best friend. Also living with you. You won't be dating him, though. You'll be madly in love with a guy you first met when he was in-character as Edgar Allen Poe. He lives in New York, and you only get to see him once a month or so, but you're happier than you've ever been."

~ Work is work. I enjoy it a lot, actually, most days. It's not the most intellectually challenging of jobs, but I like the people that work there, and I'm getting to know the customers, as well. It helps that it's two minutes from my high school, so a lot of the people who come in are parents or teachers or students there, people that I've known for years. But there are others, too, who I'm just getting to know - the man who hangs out until the last minute, who buys tea in the cafe and always pays with exact change and keeps his coins in an old film canister. The lovely greek gentleman who told me that he would fire my boss before my boss fired me. The woman who comes in every day at half an hour to closing, and doesn't leave until quarter after, despite only living two minutes away.

~ I'm applied to all my colleges, and I'm...oddly noncommittal about it all. I want to go to school, I do, I miss the structured learning. But...I'm almost too good at being happy with what I get, so I'm kind of zen about where I end up, you know? I'm hoping for Swarthmore, but who knows about my chances. I mean, it's only one of the most competitive colleges in the country. I'd be a lot more confident if I'd managed to get in an interview - I seem to interview well - but I was lazy about it and now it's too late.

~ I am writing a lot for Persona 4 but no one will read it but Chiara. Also Star Trek because I am always writing Star Trek. Also Sherlock Holmes. ALSO. GABHI. I know you said not to worry about it but I feel really bad about not beta-ing that fic for you yet and are you rewriting your Big Bang? We should talk, I am less crazy-busy.


List the first ten series/movies/books that come to mind. Your friends will comment with the character from each series/movie/book that they think you are most like. Remember this is who I'm most like, not favorites!

1. Sherlock Holmes
2. Persona 3/Persona 4 (No one will knowww)
3. Arthurian Lit. (Or Merlin if you don't know the more classic stuff)
4. Star Trek
5. Suuupernatural
6. Pirates of the Caribbean!
7. Doctor Who
8. Buffy
9. Firefly
10. The Prestige

random, real life, what i'm writing these days, am i seriously doing a meme?, friends, zephyrocity's fault

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